e are fortunate to live in one of the nicest
communities in Fort Lauderdale and the majority of
our homeowners take excellent care of their yard and
surrounding areas. However, lately we’ve been seeing
things that detract from that beauty. Some can be attributed
to homes in foreclosures and others are items we just don’t
think about. Here are a few that we have noticed:
Foreclosed Homes:If the yard is overgrown and the pool is
stagnant, try to find out who currently owns the home and
ask them or the City to fix the problem. The city can clean
it up and put a lien on the property.
Maintenance of curbing and storm sewer grates in front of
our homes.We very seldom have City street cleaners in
our neighborhood so it is important that we all maintain the
curbing and storm grates in front of our homes. It improves
the appearance of our own home as well as the area. Lack
of maintenance sometimes results in street flooding which
we’ve seen in some parts of The Landings.
Trees and Shrubbery:It is important that we maintain the
trees and shrubbery in our yards not only for our own
benefit but for the way it projects to the whole
neighborhood and the people who drive through our
streets. It is also a matter of safety. Don’t give the criminal
element the chance to hide behind them.
Newspapers and Flyers on driveways and doors of
residents:Whether this is during the time our neighbors are
out of town or even when they’re home but we see these
things strewn around the yard or driveway for a few days,
we should pick them up and put them in our trash cans.
This is both a beautification item and also a security
measure we can take to eliminate the idea that “nobody is
home” at this house.
Trash Pick-up:Regular trash, yard waste and recycling
should be out by 7am on collection day, but no more than
24 hours prior to collection. We do have a number of new
residents and perhaps they are not aware. Landings
collection days are Monday for regular trash and recycling.
Thursday for regular trash and yard waste and FOURTH
Friday of each month for bulk.We’ve been seeing it put
out late and then it sits at the curb until next regular pick-
up. Ask your grass cutting company to take away the palm
fronds, etc if it is weeks before collection day. We’ve been
seeing piles laying on the street for weeks waiting for the
pick-up. More specific information is available in The
Landings Roster or on the City’s website.
The City of Fort Lauderdale provides all the maintenance
for the median strips on Bayview Drive, NE 55th Street as
well as the areas around the three bridges. If you notice a
problem in any of these areas, please report it to the City
so that corrective action can be taken. The number to call
is 954-828-8000.
The Landings Residential Association Board appreciates
your efforts to maintain The Landings and is always looking
for help and support for its Board and activities. If you are
interested in volunteering, please notify our President,
Terry Bond through the Association’s website
Beautification Committee
Joe Welsch and Gene Zorovich
Your Neighborhood
The Landings & Bay Colony