News, Updates & Events continued

Winter 2015 Pet Tips:
Five shocking Dog Waste facts 
you probably didn’t know!

Get the Scoop on the Poop!

• Dog waste is not a fertilizer and is actually 

toxic to your grass.

• Dog waste burns, damages, and discolors your grass.

• 1 gram of Dog waste can contain up to 23 million fecal

coliform bacteria.

• Dog waste makes for really poor sidewalk art.

• Unscooped poop not only attracts rodents, but its

bacteria is carried by rain for miles and pollutes 
our waters.

Proper pet waste disposal results in cleaner neighborhoods,
with improved aesthetics and better water quality. We can
all do our part in keeping our community safe and healthy
by picking up after our pets. Whether left in our yards, or
out and about while on a walk, (especially at night when
no one can see) pet feces should always be discarded
appropriately to avoid stormwater pollution.

Pet waste disposal tips
Here are some quick tips on how each of us in Rio
Vista/Coral Ridge Isles can play a part in keeping our
kids, pets, and aquatic environments safe:

1. Pick up after your pet.Carry biodegradable plastic
bags or a scooper to collect your pet’s waste. Keep a
flashlight for nighttime walking. This is both for safety, as
well as for finding your dog’s doo doo in the dark.
Encourage other pet owners to clean up after their pets.
Offer an extra bag to a pet owner without one.

2. Teach your children to dispose properly of pet waste.
Many children are given the chore of walking the family
pet. Children need to be educated about how to handle
the waste safely. Pet waste may contains diseases and
parasites that can infect other pets or humans who come in
contact with it.

3. Dispose of pet waste in the trash or a place reserved for
pet waste.
Never dump it into a storm drain. Never flush
pet waste down the toilet. It wastes water. Never hose pet
waste into the ground or use it as fertilizer. It can find its
way into ground water sources.

4. Hire a professional pooper-scooper service.A Pet Waste
Cleaning Service aka Pooper-Scooper can help eliminate
the one and only unpleasant part of owning a pet; dealing
with poop! Whether you’re unable to pick up after your
pet, too busy, or just simply disgusted by this task, a Pet
Waste Cleaning Service will come cleanup for you on a
regular basis for much less than you would imagine.

Not to mention, your neighbors and your lawn guy will
love you!


The Landings & Bay Colony