ebruary 19th was the coldest night of 2015 but that did not deter 72 Landings
residents from attending the Annual Dinner Meeting at Coral Ridge Country Club.

This was the largest attendance in recent history.  The food was wonderful, there was
quite a bit of lively conversation and we heard from four informative speakers. 

Officer George Brandner represented the Fort Lauderdale Police Department, gave us
a brief overview of what little crime we did have in 2014.  

County Commissioner Chip Lamarca updated us on some of the current Broward
County projects. He highlighted the proposed work that will take place at Port
Everglades and our beaches. 

City of Fort Lauderdale Commissioner Bruce Roberts and City Manager Lee Feldman gave
us details about some of the plans for infrastructure improvements planned for the city.  

Have you downloaded the new app called “LAUDER SERVE”?  This is a neat new tool.  

The minutes of the meeting are available on the website for more details. Overall I
think it was a successful meeting.



Terry Bond, President
The Landings Residential Association

The Landings & Bay Colony


President's Message

The Landings Residential Association

Terry Bond, President

Landings Residential Association