The Landings & Bay Colony
Hi Neighbors:
The Landings Residential Association Annual Dinner meeting was held Thursday night
February 18th at Coral Ridge Country Club. Sixty-one members and guests attended
the meeting. We installed the following 3 new board members: Lonnie Epstein, Robert
Korn and Ann Marie Dari. Gene Zorovich will remain as Vice President, Dana Mullany
remains as Secretary and John Watson will remain as Treasurer. David Crane, Darran
Blake, John Marquart, Diane Dodich all will continue their terms as Directors. Chuck
Shields a long time board member and Joe Welsh a Past President and a dedicated
board member completed their service to the Association. Joe will be especially missed
for his attention to detail as the Chairperson of the Beautification committee. The new
president, Paul Renneisen, is also a past president from 1999 & 2000.
I was honored to receive a plaque commemorating my
7 years as president of the LRA. I was really happy to overhear
several residents at the meeting say that they feel The Landings
is a great neighborhood. It has been our goal to achieve that
distinction. We have worked at making our neighborhood a
friendly, attractive place to live with closer connections between
residents. We have tried to communicate important information
to our members via emails blasts and especially via this
newsletter. I believe the LRA’s collaboration with the publisher of
Fort Lauderdale Media Group has provided us with an enhanced presence in
Fort Lauderdale. It is one of the best decisions our board has made.
Our November Block party has been very successful thanks to Toni McCormick and Julie
Carney. Due to the needs of their families they have to pass on the chairmanship of the
Block Party. We need volunteers for this event, please consider donating a few hours for
the social benefit of the neighborhood. Contact Paul Renneisen at 954-812-2674.
My best wishes to Paul and the Board for a great year in 2016.
Terry Bond, President
The Landings Residential Association
President's Message
The Landings Residential Association
Terry Bond, President
Landings Residential Association