The Landings & Bay Colony


Commissioner’s Message continued

these bonds the Aa1 rating, acknowledging the strength of
a well-managed system supported by a strong liquidity
position and competitive rate structure, a sound capital
improvement program, and sufficient water supply and
system treatment capacities to at least 2035.


The SR A1A project is progressing on schedule:

Recently Completed Activities:

• Drainage improvements on the west side of the road
• Concrete curb and driveway construction
• Installation of FPL service points, though they may be

relocated at 40th Street

• New mast arm and pedestrian signals installation
• Paving for the first layer of asphalt north of 34th Street

(was completed on April 7) 

Ongoing / Upcoming Activities:

• Brick paver installation is ongoing and is expected to be

completed soon

• Lighting installation on the west side of the road
• Completion of west side activities is expected in May

and traffic will then be shifted to the west to allow work
to begin on the median

Overall Time Update:

• The project is expected to be completed in summer 2017 
• The contractor is scheduled to be working 10 hours/4 days

per week, but recently have been working five days lately


If you would like the City to

investigate a property that may be an unregistered
vacation rental, please e-mail or call 954-828-5207.
For more information, log on to


The Police Department incorporated the City Commission’s
recommendations into the policy and is currently waiting
for input from the FOP. The Police Department will then
submit the mutually agreed upon policy to the City
Attorney’s Office for review before receiving additional
suggestions from the Citizens Police Review Board (CPRB)
and Council of Civic Associations. Florida House Bill 93
(Law Enforcement Officer Body Camera) was signed into
law by Governor Scott and is now in effect. The Body
Worn Cameras and Digital Evidence Management System
Request for Proposal packet is being drafted and is
expected to be released soon. 

OFFICE CONTACT:Robbi Uptegrove – 954-828-5033; 
In addition to hosting two pre-agenda meetings twice a month, I am
also available to attend your HOA meetings to update your
neighborhood on what is going on in the City as well as answer any
questions/concerns you may have. Please contact Robbi to schedule. 
EMAIL LIST:If you would like to be on our email list so that you
receive information pertaining to the City – especially District 1
(i.e. news releases, meeting notices, events), please let Robbi
know and she will add you.

Sample of body worn camera shown in use elsewhere.