The Landings & Bay Colony


Neighbors & Friends

Back row with yellow polo=John McCormick, teal shirt David Crane
Front: Co-Chair Toni McCormick and Co-Chair Julie Carney, Nancy Marquart & Susan Crane

The Landings Residential Association annual
Block Party was held on Saturday evening,
November 7th. Each year the party gets even
better. Over 80 re sidents attended this year’s
event! It was great to see how many younger
people are now living in The Landings. Our
Block party’s success has been due to the
hard work of Toni McCormick and Julie
Carney. The food and drinks were plentiful
and the entertainment was lively. The alto
saxophonist played upbeat music that got
people dancing. It was a warm, fun night
filled with enjoyable conversation between
old and new friends. We hope to see even
more homeowners next year!

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