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Feature continued

                               Left: Weinermobile Arrives; Center: Lynda recreates her WM publicity photo from 1992; Right: Linda Davey w team
             For 12 months, Lynda and her partner traveled across the   Lynda’s success as a Hotdogger earned her a second year
             United States, including Hawaii, and Canada attending   advising new recruits after which she and a school teacher
             events like Mardi Gras, the Kentucky Derby and the Super   friend backpacked around Europe for a final fling. While
             Bowl, promoting the Oscar Mayer Weinermobile and giving   anticipating that she would finally have to settle down in that
             out wiener whistles and other Wienermobila. In Los Angeles,   9 to 5 desk job, Lynda reconnected with a Mizzou teacher in
             Lynda grimaced through the embarrassment of being taken in   Europe who appreciated her skills as well as her wanderlust,
             by practical joker Leslie Nielsen and his whoopie cushion. At   and recommended her for a journalism job with Cunard
             the Indie 500, Lynda cheered on Al Unser Jr. as he plowed   onboard the Royal Viking Sun luxury cruise ship.
             down the track in her Weinermobile, drag racing against two   After three years with Cunard – during which time she met
             local radio personalities in the other Weinermobile.
                                                                    fellow crew member Tim Davey, a New Zealander who
             Holidays inspired elaborate Weinermobile decorations. You   would become her husband, now of 25 years - Lynda
             think decorating a tree is a big deal? Try decorating the rear   transferred shoreside and eventually settled in our own
             end of a huge hot dog to look like a jack-o-lantern, dressing   Coral Ridge Country Club Estates. Would she do it all again?
             up as Count Von Ketchup and then driving around to deliver   In a heartbeat! Would she recommend the experience to
             Meals on Wheels. That’s how you do Halloween Oscar Mayer   new college grads? Absolutely! A Hotdogger learns and
             style. Whether attending small community gatherings or large   grows through a once in a lifetime experience. The fun is
             national events Lynda put her PR and communications skills to   a bonus.
             work with everyone she met from movie stars to children.

                   Left: Inside WM w Drivers & former HotDogger gent who lives in Fort Lauderdale; Center: Lynda w neighbors Sienna & Henry Tauber; Right: TheFriedlands

                                          Left: Follow at #KeepitOscar; Center: Lynda w WM drivers; Right: Lynda wWM

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