Page 18 - CRCCE0424
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Security Patrol Log continued
Friday, February 23, 2024 greatly appreciate city personnel who spring into action to
1600: Received call from citizen that a possible homeless male address problems 24/7, it seems the neighborhood wasn’t
knocked on door and ask for work. When no work offered he aware of any work being done in the area. I wanted to ask
asked for money. When no money given he became aggressive. if perhaps there was a notification process they missed or if
Made contact with the male at Commercial and Bayview. not, can one be established to avoid the unnecessary alarms
moving forward? Copied on this email are members of the
Monday, February 26, 2024 CRCCE Security Patrol Committee.
15:30: In service. I spoke to K. P. on the phone regarding a
false burglary alarm at her home on Friday. I returned S. S. January 11, 2024 response from City Works to Lt. Greenlaw:
call who was inquiring about who to contact regarding issues Yes, one of my crews was conducting overnight work for a
with the homeless people throughout the city. I called E. L. CCTV survey assignment. I apologize for the inconvenience
back and left her a voicemail. She texted the detail phone on of our worker knocking on neighbor’s door around this time
Friday night regarding a red sports car that was revving its of morning. We normally don’t encourage our team to knock
engine outside her home. on a neighbor’s door after 8 pm, unless it was an emergency.
They are supposed to go through Public Works Dispatch.
17:30: I came across a maintenance worker at 2844 NE 35th DeAnna, you are correct. We regularly put outdoor hangers
St who had acid splash into his eyes while working. I called with a 48-hour notification to warn the neighbors that we are
for EMS and he was transported to the hospital. working in the area. The storm drain at this location was a
last-minute addition to our CCTV survey list. Our CCTV
Tuesday, February 27, 2024 surveying assessments are conducted during low tides, which
1901: Call received from 2800 blk of NE 41st St. of two leads to that type of assignment getting conducted on a
individuals soliciting. Responded to the area and located said flexible schedule, like overnight or even on the weekends. I
individuals in the 2900 blk of NE 43rd St. The subjects were am going to have a conversation with the employee, and I will
from Titan Solar and were educated on the solicitor permit assure you that this will not happen again.
requirements - very nice and cooperative. I phoned back the
reportee and updated them with my actions; they were Resolution:
appreciative. This information was shared with the SP Committee and the
concerned homeowner who was relieved by the explanation.
1930: Sat in front of the reportee’s residence reference to car
revving engine for a little bit
Additional incidents
The good relationship and communication between the SP
Committee and Lt. Greenlaw, her officers and others within Police
District 1 afford us the ability to address CRCCE incidents and
concerns that might otherwise go unanswered.
Incident #1 – Reported on January 8,2024
Local teenage boys, arriving on foot or by boat, have been
gathering in the back of a large home on the point of one of
the isle streets. They have emptied the refrigerator, used the
pool table, turned on the water slide and partied. Pictures of
several of the boys were sent to the Security Patrol and Lt.
Greenlaw who turned them over to District 1 detectives for
identification and follow-up.
Incident #2 as summarized in the emails below:
January 11, 2024 email from Lt. Greenlaw, our CRCCE SP
coordinator, to City Works Department: I am attempting to
ease the concerns of the residents in Coral Ridge Country
Club Estates (CRCCE). It seems a member of your team
knocked on this homeowner’s door in the middle of the night
(1:00 am) and it caused some concerns. Although residents
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