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President’s Message

                                                  Some important updates this month.

                                                  Our annual meeting will be held at 6:00 pm on Tuesday, April 9, 2024 at Christ
                                                  Church, 4845 NE 25th Avenue. There is plenty of parking on the west side of the
                                                  Church. Thanks to Christ Church for graciously hosting again; they are an important
                                                  part of the community.

                                                  Main topics to be covered at the meeting will include discussions on Vacation
                                                  Rentals, License Plate Reader (LPRs), the upcoming Publix renovation, and potential
                                                  street closures.
                                                  The Board has authorized the negotiation of a contract with the Flock Safety for the
                 Tim Hernandez                    installation of six (6) new License Plate readers at strategic high traffic locations to be
                     President                    determined throughout the community. We are hopeful they can be installed sometime
                                                  this summer. LPRs have been hailed by law enforcement officials as an effective
                                                  We will be seeking financial assistance from the City and will also be setting up a
                                                  program for residents to install LPRs on your street, with some financial assistance. Our
                    OFFICERS                      goal is to make our neighborhood the safest, most crime-free in the City.
                   Tim Hernandez                  We have partnered with the Nova Southeastern Museum of Art for a great
                     President                    neighborhood social event, to be held on Sunday April 28th from 2 pm to 4 pm at the
                                                  Museum of Art, One East Las Olas Boulevard. This is part of their “Neighborhood of
                   Karen Polivka
                   Vice President                 the Month” program. April is our month.

                    Craig Singer                  Admission is free to all CRCCE residents and guests. The Museum of Art will be
                     Treasurer                    offering complimentary tours, 2 for 1 bottles of wine, and hors d’oeuvres. The tours
                                                  will be at 3:00 pm. Wine and tours will start in the Breezeway. The museum closes
                    Vicki Lynch
                     Secretary                    at 5:00 pm. This is a great opportunity to see one of our City’s best cultural assets
                                                  with family and friends. Mark your calendars!


                  Jonathan Brody
                 Renata Cammarata
                   Tim Hernandez
                     Judy High
                    Vicki Lynch
                    Robert Mayo
                   Brian O’Connell
                  Paige O’Mahoney
                   Karen Polivka                                              Installation images of Glory of the World: Color Field Painting.
                                                                       Images courtesy of NSU Art Museum Fort Lauderdale and Steven Brooke.
                   Bruce Quailey
                    Craig Singer
                                                  2024 Board Meetings Schedule
                     Jeff Stich
                                                  The Board has established the following meeting schedule for the remainder of 2024:
                                                  • Wed May 8, 2024
                                                  • Wed Jul 10, 2024
                                                  • Wed Sep 11, 2024
                                                  • Wed Nov 13, 2024
            CORAL R DGE                           All meetings will be held at Christ Church, starting at 6:00 pm. Any dues paying
            COUNTRY CLUB ESTATES                  resident of CRCCE can attend board meetings and the annual meeting. We are
            C OMMUNIT Y ASSOCIA TION              looking for additional board members and attending a meeting would be a good
                                                  way to learn more about our initiatives and suggesting additional ones. We look

         6                                                     CORAL RIDGE COUNTRY CLUB ESTATES COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION

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