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President’s Message continued

                                                                                                          See photo on page 6

             Boulevard from Ives Dairy Road, and also in West Palm Beach   Since I’ve been on the Board there has been an ongoing
             on the west edge of the Northwood area. Everything is   dialogue with the City and County on how reduce cut-through
             possible when pursued. We should definitely close off more   traffic by making it more inconvenient for drivers to speed
             streets, especially the ones that provide easy access from   through our residential streets and using them as alternate
             Bayview Drive to US1 and the commercial businesses into our   ways to get to and from the Country Club, Cardinal Gibbons,
             neighborhood. I believe it would deter drivers from entering   or to avoid bridge openings and traffic signals.
             our neighborhood altogether.”
                                                                    I will schedule a meeting with Ben Rogers of the City’s
             “My concern is obviously to express street closures on Federal   Transportation and Mobility (T&M) Department to explore
             Highway as the best way to reduce crime for south Coral   closing off some of the  road connections to Commercial,
             Ridge. I have been told by FLPD that street closures are the   Federal and Oakland. This will be a lengthy process as all
             number one way to reduce crime. Stiles Corporation closed   traffic changes must be approved by the City as well as
             two streets that were residential streets that connected from   the County. Keep in mind that traffic is like water, if it can’t
             Broward to Sunrise. I don’t believe for a second we can’t close
             residential streets between Bayview and Federal, especially
             when in the past it was the advice of professional traffic
             planners—this is not a new issue--it has been discussed for
             years. Look at this plan taken from a report many years ago.”
             Tim: As is evident from the second email above, this has been
             raised before. Sections of NE 26 Avenue and NE 35 Drive were
             actually cut off. Longtime CRCCE HOA Board member Jason
             Ulbrich was a big proponent off cutting off more access points to
             the neighborhood from Oakland Park and Federal Highway.
             Similar issues exist north of the Country Club on Federal and
             Commercial. Jason and I drove around the neighborhood ten
             years ago and counted something like 28 points of vehicular
             access into the neighborhood. Cut-through traffic has been
             consistently identified as a major community issue.

         8                                   CORAL RIDGE COUNTRY CLUB ESTATES COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION

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