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President’s Message

                                                 Attention HBI Security members!

                                                 Please mark your calendars to meet and welcome
                                                 Fort Lauderdale Police Major William (Bill) Shultz and
                                                 Sergent Heather Lee to Harbor Beach.

                                                 TUESDAY, OCTOBER 17, 2023
                                                 CHURCH BY THE SEA | 6:00 PM

                                                 We are delighted that Sgt. Lee has become our new
                                                 HBI Detail Coordinator (see more about Sgt. Lee in
                                                 following pages) and fully support that Major Shultz is
                                                 favored to be next in line as Chief of Police.
                   Annette Ross
                                                 Major Shultz will share the latest City of Fort Lauderdale crime reports and discuss
                                                 the rise in local auto thefts. Sgt Lee and Henderson Dottsin, HBI Security, will discuss
               Harbor Beach Property             how we can better protect our homes and vehicles and prevent incidents such as
             Homeowners Association, Inc.        those from happening in our neighborhood.
                 1322 SE 17th Street
             Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33316      As Harbor Beach spruces itself up
                   954-462-6428                  for the unofficial arrival of Season
                                                 and the start of The Fort Lauderdale
                                                 International Boat Show, we wish to
                                                 thank our District 4 City Commissioner
                                                 Dr. Warren Sturman and Chief of Staff
                  Ann Cadwalader                 Jeri Pryor for their time in taking an in-
                  Trish Bailey-Entin             depth tour of our neighborhood. The
                     Pat Riley                   main purpose of the tour was to take
                   Annette Ross                  inventory of City funded maintenance
                  Barry Somerstein               items yet to be completed and
                   Isobel Sturgeon               advance special projects such as
                    Jake Wurzak                  new LED street lights already under
                                                 The Harbor Beach Seasonal Opener, which we were most optimistic to return to
                                                 your Harbor Beach Surf Club, has thrown in the proverbial beach towel, switched
                                                 gears and is now "taking it to the streets" in a neighborhood Car Show and
                                                 Block Party. Ladies and gentlemen…Start your engines!!

                                                 Preliminary plans include BBQ, possibly food trucks, along with libations from
                                                 local brewers and beyond. It is very early in the planning process so if you would
                                                 like to be part of the car show, food and beverage, or party planning, please
                                                 email and join in the fun!
                                                 In closing, in case you missed the announcement on the Table of Contents page
                                                 of this issue, our Annual Meetings will be held at Church by the Sea on
                                                 January 10, 2024. Hope to see you there!  HB
                                                 Annette Ross
                                                 HBPHOA President

            F  O  R  T  L  A  U  D  E  R  D  A  L  E

         4                                                    HARBOR BEACH Magazine  |  www . harborbeach  . org

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