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GETTING STARTED Podcasts continued
Black History Month, and an interview with Stacy Ritter,
Although you can listen to podcasts on a laptop or desktop President and CEO of the Greater Fort Lauderdale
computer, your smartphone is your best option for easy access Convention & Visitors Bureau.
to the podcast world. Chances are it comes with an installed
podcast app – Apple Podcasts is standard on iPhones. • Felonious Florida – Explore the dark side of the Sunshine
State. The Sun-Sentinel and Wondery present a true-crime
If you want to expand your podcast options, start by podcast that brings you stories of some of Florida’s most
downloading a podcast app from the app store on your notrious and stunning crimes.
smartphone. Spotify and Apple are the two biggest podcast
platforms, with 34 percent and 28 percent of all podcast • Florida Men on Florida Man – FMOFM is the acronym
listeners, respectively. Spotify is the popular music streaming for this podcast, which features crazy but true stories
service that has also become the leading podcast platform. from the Sunshine State. The podcast goes past the
iHeartRadio is third with 6 percent of podcast listeners. insane headlines and focuses on Florida’s history, from
the nation’s wealthiest mobster to legendary heroes of
Committed podcast listeners may opt for other podcast apps, Florida’s frontier.
including some that may be downloaded with payment of a
one-time charge. Pocket Casts is a popular free alternative. • The Florida History Podcast – Billed as “a weekly
So is Outcast. Note that podcast apps charge subscription look at a different fascinating topic in Florida history,”
fees for expanded services, such as storage of your favorite this podcast includes episodes on The Castillo de San
podcasts. Marcos and defending St. Augustine, History of the Jupiter
Lighthouse and Jupiter Inlet, Key West and the Civil War
Most podcast listeners say they learn about podcasts from and Walt Disney targets Florida.
their friends, although the search function on all podcast
apps is an important tool for wading through the 70 million • Florida Travel Podcast – this podcast lives up to its
podcasts available to you. The apps can “suggest” podcasts name with details on travel options throughout Florida.
based on your listening interests, but spending a little time in Several episodes may touch on South Florida, including
search mode can add to the quality of your overall podcast “Where are the best places to see sea turtles” and
listening experience. “Best Music Festivals in Florida” and “Interesting
Architecture in Florida.”
If you prefer to listen to podcasts in your car, Apple CarPlay
and Android Auto make it easy to use your preferred podcast • Finding Florida – The podcast take you “from Country to
app while driving or riding. Coast.” Join tour guides City Girl Jaime and Country Boy
Glenn as they take listeners on an interactive experience
to explore the amazing sights and sounds of the Sunshine
State. Episodes include topics like Iconic Florida Foods,
the Return of Florida Sports and Key Lime Pies .
To make it easy for you, here is a QR Code to a Spotify
playlist that includes an episode from each of the Top 13
Regional Podcasts noted above. Use your smartphone to
open the playlist. And happy podcast listening.
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