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Visit Lauderdale continued

             A                                                      we truly felt that it’s the people who live here that make a
                    core memory powers Stacy Ritter. The vision is so
                    vivid that when Ritter describes it on a late Thursday
                                                                    difference and make the experience for visitors. We’re a
                    morning from her downtown office of the Greater Fort
                                                                    who they are and what they believe.”
             Lauderdale Convention & Visitors Bureau, it’s as if she’s still   diverse group of people that welcomes everyone, no matter
             living in the recollection today. In describing how she came   On a personal level, Ritter’s love for the area is raw. She
             to Fort Lauderdale in 1974 as a teenager after living in the   describes Fort Lauderdale as if it’s a person she knows,
             Chicago suburbs, Ritter says her parents fell in love with the   not some city: It’s “sunny and diverse,” “beautiful and
             city during a vacation in July.
             “Then, in the winter of 1974 back in Chicago, my dad’s   Ritter took over the reins of the CVB in 2016, building off of
             car wouldn’t start because it was frozen over, and he said,   her predecessor’s successful “Hello Sunny” campaign that
             ‘Dammit, we’re moving to Fort Lauderdale,’” says Ritter, the   saw the city rebrand itself from a Spring Break destination to
             president and CEO of the GFLCVB, with a laugh. “And we   a year-round one that was vibrant and carefree. Launched
             did. We packed up that winter and moved, and I’ve loved   in the winter of 2013 with a free ice skating party at The
             living here ever since.”                               Rink at Rockefeller Center in New York City, the Hello Sunny
             As the head of the marketing arm of the Greater Fort   campaign proved to be an effective one, garnering more than
             Lauderdale region, Ritter’s affinity for the area manifests itself   14 million people visitors and $11.4 billion tourist dollars
             on a large scale through global campaigns and promotions   in 2014, an increase from 13.4 million visitors and $10.6
             that spotlight the destination as a year-round hub for travelers.   billion in spending in 2013.
             Last year’s “Everyone Under The Sun” campaign was created   Though Hello Sunny was
             to reflect what Ritter calls “how Greater Fort Lauderdale   rewarding, Ritter believes the
             looks today.” Its message of inclusiveness and diversity –   current Everyone Under the Sun
             including residents from more than 170 countries speaking   campaign is even stronger.
             147 languages within the area’s 31 municipalities, as well   “When I came to the CVB in
             as being the state’s LGBTQ+ capital – has been an important   June 2016, I came with the
             note that Ritter and her 45-person team were sure to hit.
                                                                    belief that we needed
             “We did focus groups, pulled together data that we had,   to rebrand,” she said.
             and researched what people were saying about us,” Ritter   “Hello Sunny was
             says. “Sure, we have pretty beaches, but we’re not the only   great in its day, but
             destination that has pretty beaches. When we dug deeper,   it was very vanilla;


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