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Holiday Giving

                       Amplify Your Impact with
                    Year end Giving

             Helping people                                        • IRA distribution: Making a Qualified Charitable Distribution
                                                                   (QCD) from your IRA is an easy way to donate to a
             makes you feel good.                                  charitable organization. A QCD can reduce your taxable
                                                                   income and satisfy your Required Minimum Distribution
             This time of year, we hear a lot about the tax benefits of   (RMD).
             making charitable donations before the clock strikes midnight   • Gift bundling: You can “bundle” several years’ worth of
             on New Year’s Eve. And yes, it’s certainly wise for charitably   support for your favorite causes or organizations through a
             minded people to consider making their donations during the   single, year-end gift to a donor-advised fund. Gift bundling
             holiday season so they can realize the tax benefits when this   through a donor-advised fund enables you to lock in support
             year’s tax bill arrives.
                                                                   to achieve your long-term charitable goals, while you get the
             But let’s not forget why we give in the first place. For most of   full tax benefit this year.
             us, it’s because helping people makes us feel good. And this   • Donate Complex gifts: Don’t be afraid to think outside the
             is the time of year when our charitable giving can have an   box. “Closely-held stock” and even valuable collections can
             even greater impact than usual.
                                                                   be excellent gifts to fuel your charitable support. Check with
             That’s because many nonprofit organizations rely on end-of-  your favorite nonprofit to see if they are able to work with
             year gifts to both sustain their critical work in our community   you and your professional advisor to facilitate a gift of a
             and to determine what efforts to pursue in the year ahead.   “complex” asset.
             Support for health clinics, after-school programs, food   • Gift planning: If now isn’t the best time to donate, you can
             pantries, arts initiatives, environmental cleanups, animal   name a nonprofit organization as one of the beneficiaries in
             rescue, career training – so much of the charitable work that   your estate plan. For example, when you commit to a bequest
             transforms lives and makes our community a better place to   to the Community Foundation of Broward your future gift will
             call home is fueled by year-end giving to local nonprofits.   create an endowed charitable fund that provides sustainable,
             Giving during the holidays to your favorite charities can   permanent support for causes that mean the most to you.
             ensure ongoing support for your charitable passions.
                                                                   Don’t forget that it can
             Making an online donation or mailing a check are great   take a few days to
             ways to give, though you can also use other assets to amplify   process a stock
             your impact. Here are five asset options to keep in mind for   donation, arrange
             year-end giving:                                      a wire transfer
             • Give stock or real estate: If you own “highly appreciated  or take the other
             assets,” such as stock or real estate, and are also planning to  steps required when
             make a year-end donation, consider giving the appreciated  using a non-cash
             assets to your favorite nonprofit. Assets like appreciated stock  asset for your year-end
             can be sold by a charity for 100 cents on the dollar – no  giving. So, the earlier
             capital gains tax applies. That means your favorite charitable  in the holiday season you
             causes end up with more money to work with than if you had  make your charitable gift, the
             sold that same asset yourself and donated the proceeds.  more flexibility you have.


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