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                                        Public Service Announcement

                                            LOCK IT UP!

               PROGRAM SAVES LIVES

                              Save a Life, Lock Up Your Gun!

                                                         By: Barbara Markley

                   he Broward League of Women Voters is proud of their  churches, synagogues, mosques, etc. The League has
                   life-saving “Lock it Up!” program, a county-wide, non-  partnered with a total of 210 organizations and local
              T partisan, public safety campaign to raise awareness  governments, including Moms Demand Action for Gun
              of the dangers of unlocked guns around children and teens  Sense in America to use with their “BeSmart” program, as
              and to encourage gun owners to lock up their guns. In the  well the Brady Campaign to use with their “End Family
                                                                    Fire” campaign. Additional partners include BSO and
              U.S., 4.6 million children live in homes with unsecured
                                                                    many local police departments and city commissions. In a
              guns. Over 75% of teens who commit suicide with a gun
                                                                    little over a year, the League has distributed 13,250 gun
              use a gun from home, and a child is shot every 17 hours on
                                                                    locks, 27,000 gun safety brochures and spoken to over
              average in Florida. In addition, a gun is stolen every 26
                                                                    6,000 people about gun safety.
              minutes and most of those guns are used to commit crimes.
              Florida is 3rd in the nation for gun theft, so locking up guns  This award-winning program was featured on WLRN at:
              would save lives and reduce crime significantly. Like
                                                                    play-deaths-soldiers-and-kids, in the Broward New Times:
              MADD’s “Don’t Drink and Drive” campaign, this program
              aims to change the narrative and make everyone feel
              responsible for gun safety in their community.
                                                                    professionals-to-stay-in-your-lane-10100221 and recognized
              The goal is to place brochures and free gun locks in all  in the Congressional record. Broward County is the model for
              pediatricians' offices, as well as in schools, pre-      the program which will be expanded statewide through
              schools, government facilities, parks,                           the Florida League of Women Voters. RV
              police stations, mental
                                                                               Check out the “Lock it Up!” PSA at:
              health providers,
                                                                               If you would like more information about this
                                                                               program, please email
                                                                               call 954-546-4484.

                                                                               Protect Children. Prevent Suicide.
                                                                               Reduce Crime.
                                                                               Barbara Markley
                                                                               Co-Chair, Gun Safety Committee
                                                                               League of Women Voters of Broward
                                                                               (954) 609-7928

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