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workforce housing, we don't have a workforce. Without an In addition to his solid working relationship with Dan
education system, including higher education, we don't have Lindblade, Seiler is impressed with other members of the
a workforce." Chamber's professional staff.
"BEST LEADER GETS OUT OF "We have excellent professional leadership at the Chamber.
THE WAY" It's a great team," he says.
His management style is to encourage ideas and action from
Chamber volunteer leaders, including members of multiple AND UM LAW SCHOOL
Councils of the Chamber: the Downtown Council, Beach Seiler moved with his family from Miami to Fort Laudedale
Council, Cultural Council, Marine Advisory Council, Racial and grew up here in the mid-60s. He attended St. Anthony
Equity Council, Small Business Council, and many more.
Catholic School in downtown Fort Lauderdale and graduated
"Sometimes, the best leader gets out of the way," he says. from Cardinal Gibbons High School in 1981. He earned his
"As Mayor, I worked closely with four City Commissioners business degree in 1985 from the University of Notre Dame and
who had the ability to impact their Commission Districts. I feel graduated from the University of Miami Law School in 1988.
the same way about the Chamber. We have a lot of talent He started practicing law in 1988 and opened his own law firm
at the Chamber. My goal is to be able to empower all of the in 1993. It is now Seiler, Zaden, Rimes & Wahlbrink, where
members of the Board of Directors."
Seiler is a principal. During his 30 years as a trial lawyer in
"In February, we're going to bring the Chamber directors South Florida, he has had extensive jury trial and non-jury trial
together for a sit down session," he says. "We'll have the experience throughout Florida's State and Federal Courts.
opportunity to listen and learn and see where everybody in His career in public office began in 2000 when Seiler was
the Chamber wants the focus to be."
elected to the Florida Legislature and served as a State
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