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Mayor’s Message continued
We will look for ways to solve our congested streets. There We have a robust economy centered on tourism, yachting
are solutions, and they start with coordinating with the and real estate, but we must continue to make
county so Fort Lauderdale becomes the leader in next- improvements. We must attract high-paying jobs and
generation signal synchronization. ensure that affordable housing is available.
Many have been concerned about the plans for the Wave In regards to our marine industry, we need to be
streetcar. We clearly need to rethink this project. Overhead concerned about what transpires with the Bahia Mar
wires and in-ground tracks are not a good fit for our property. I am seriously concerned that the project has
community. At the same time, public transportation is jeopardized the future of the Fort Lauderdale International
needed as we advance further into the 21st century. With Boat Show. The developer refuses to share the Boat Show
new technologies, we can lead on this matter rather than lease with us although it has been public in the past. We
remaining behind the times. need to see that lease.
Public safety will receive our full focus. We must do Let me make this clear: I want to tap into the talent of the
everything we can to keep our city safe. That means a people of our community.
stronger emphasis on community policing. We also need to To that end, I want to explore the opportunity to deploy
do more than offer thoughts and prayers in the wake of the
targeted private sector reviews of city operations. We
tragic deaths at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High in have experts in our neighborhoods and our businesses
Parkland. We must press Tallahassee and Washington for
here. We should involve these people in finding ways to
gun reform. Let’s also stop the gun shows at War Memorial improve how City Hall works with best practices and
Auditorium. It’s not safe when there are children playing so
private sector innovation. They can help make the city
close by in a park.
12 The Landings & Bay Colony