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                                              President's Message

                                 Lake Estates Improvement Association, Inc.

                                              Dear Neighbors,
                                                  pring is here and time for Spring cleaning and beautifying the curbside appeal
                                                  of your home.  Collectively, if we all make an effort, our neighborhoods will
                                              Sachieve a much-needed new look to increase our property values. Please
                                              consider moving boats and/or boat trailers behind landscaping (permanent or in
                                              pots) to camouflage their visibility from the curb, planting flowers and shrubbery,
                                              pressure cleaning your roof and driveway, and fertilizing your lawn.

                                              There was a community meeting of District 1 Homeowner Presidents which I
                                              attended where we identified issues affecting our quality of life and our property
                                              values. It was a great discussion and many of our neighborhoods face the same
                                              chronic issues including the Fort Lauderdale Executive Airport noise, pollution and
                                              safety problems, crime, code enforcement, short term rentals, and water bills
                                              increasing at an alarming rate.

                                              Many of our homeowners in Lake Estates and The Landings have complained about
                                              an increase in your monthly water bill. Please call the City Commission at

                  Linda W. Bird, President    954.828.5004 to define the date that the City Commission will have an agenda
                       Lakes Estates          item regarding water rates and the results of a water rates study to express any
                 Improvement Association, Inc.  concerns about your bills.

                                              The City Commission will address the water bill issue with the following steps:
                                              • Allow owners to have their meters tested and replaced, but you must request the
                                               test. Contact the City of Fort Lauderdale Utilities Dept. at (954) 828-5154.
                                              • Streamline the permit process for an irrigation water meter-to audit water meter
                                               readings citywide. by a KPMG, an auditing firm with a proven record in this area.
                                              • Further, staff will address the water meter reader with Bermex, the contractor and
                                               soon install digital water meters
                                              For more information, refer to

                                              Additional areas of concern
                                              Neighbors have asked that dog owners pick up after their dogs. We love our pets
                                              but please remember to bring a bag with you while walking your dog.

                                              If you are a boater, please remember to slow down in our "No Wake" zones. Our
                                              seawalls are eroding with chronic abuse of the law in our canals. n

                                              All the best,
                                              Linda Bird, President
                                              Improvement Association of Lake Estates, Inc.

                                                         Please join our Association to advocate for our community.
                                                                     2019 Annual Dues are due $25
                                              Name _________________________  Address__________________________________
                                              Email___________________________________________ Phone____________________

                                              Please make check payable to Lake Estates Improvement Association Inc. and mail
                                              them to: Linda Bird, President  2790 NE 57th Court, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33308.

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