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Planning Matters continued

        the Country Club or the finger canal area east of Bayview
        could be included. Our neighborhood is large in
        comparison to the neighborhoods currently signed up,
        making a partial program possible.

        2. City prepares 90% design plans.  The cost of the plans,
        currently estimated at about  $550 per property, will be
        billed to residents over a 24 month period at about $25
        per month only if neighborhood does not elect to proceed.
        3. A cost estimate for the project will be prepared.  The
        cost includes the following:
        • The preliminary estimate for the cost of Preliminary Plans
        and final Plans and Specifications and Contract Documents
        provided by FP&L and the Other Utilities or such other
        consultant capable of providing such documents.
        • Estimated construction cost.                        6. Once approved and a cost is determined, the City will
        • Estimated right-of-way restoration costs including  work out an affordable payment mechanism that will allow
        repaving of the rights-of-way and restoring sidewalks,  homeowners to repay the cost of the special assessment to
        landscaping and drainage within the rights-of-way.    bury the lines (probably about $25,000 per property),
        • The estimated cost of laying the required conduit leading  over a long period, most likely 20-30 years.
        from the public right of way and ending at the meter box
        located on the Parcel if Owner has agreed in writing to  7. Construction.
        permit City’s Contractor to construct the conduit on the Parcel.  Of note is that the Florida Public Service Commission
        • The estimated cost of restoration of Parcel damage as a  recently approved a petition from FPL to eliminate the cost
        result of the installation of the conduit on the Parcel if  of removal of overhead lines and poles, from the cost FPL
        Owner has agreed in writing to permit City’s Contractor to  will charge to convert from overhead to underground
        construct the conduit on the Parcel.                  service. This could substantially reduce the project costs.
        • Estimated costs of obtaining any required Easements or  The CRCCE Board has received a number of inquiries from
        other conveyances or Agreements.                      residents who have expressed interest in all parts of the
        • Estimated cost of a Coordinating Consultant to      neighborhood pursuing undergrounding utility lines in the
        coordinate all activities and prepare all documents   neighborhood.
        necessary to bring the UULA to the City Commission for a
        public hearing to consider adoption of a Final UULA   If you are interested in this program, please email either
        Assessment.                                           myself or Jason Ulbrich at the addresses below:
        • Estimated terms for payment of the special assessment.   Jason Ulbrich
        4. Once the design plans are complete, a vote of property  Tim Hernandez
        owners will be held in which approval of 70% of property  If we get enough interest, we’ll take the necessary steps to
        owners in an area who return a ballot–not 70% of property  initiate the application process with the City.
        owners--is required to proceed. All individual property
        owners within the improvement area will have a number of  Timothy L. Hernandez, AICP, is an urban planner, builder and
        opportunities to express their support or concerns during  developer and a member of the American Institute of Certified
        the course of the entire process.                     Planners. He is co-founder of New Urban Communities, a
                                                              Delray Beach based development firm specializing in urban
        5. If the 70% threshold is reached, the City Commission
                                                              infill, redevelopment and custom homes and a 25 year
        will hold a public hearing to authorize the burial project to
        proceed. Once approved the program becomes mandatory  resident of Coral Ridge Country Club Estates.  He can be
                                                              reached via email at
        on all homeowners in the assessment area.

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