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                                              President's Message

                                      The Landings Residential Association

                                              Greetings Landings residents.

                                                                            The Flags Are Up
                                                                                  uring the Memorial Day weekend The
                                                                                  Landings Residential Association flagpole
                                                                            Dwas rededicated. Four flags representing the
                                                                            United States of America, the State of Florida, the
                                                                            City of Fort Lauderdale and The Landings
                                                                            Residential Association, Inc. were re-strung and
                                                                            hoisted in time to honor our military men and
                                                                            women on Memorial Day. There was a small
                                                                            ceremony with several residents of the Landings
                                                                            present including Jeff Dennis. Many military
                                                                            veterans live in our community and it is with great
                                                                            appreciation we thank them for their service and
                                                                            remember those who served and are no longer
                  Mike Watson, President                                    with us by flying the flags for which they fought.
                Landings Residential Association                            The flags serve as a daily reminder of our gratitude
                                                                            and appreciation of our freedom. We thank
                                                                            Ronnie Dennis for all of her hard work in getting
                                                                            not only the flags and new lighting in place but
                                                                            also the new landscaping around the flag.
                                                                            FLPD Teams Up With
                       President                                            Ring Video Doorbell
                       Mike Watson
                                                                            The Fort Lauderdale Police Department has
                                                                            created a partnership with Ring. FLPD is joining
                                                                            Neighbors by Ring, a digital neighborhood watch
                     Vice President
                                                                            that puts the power of millions of neighbors and
                      Diane Dodich
                                                                            security cameras at your fingertips. The Neighbors
                       Secretary                                            application by Ring, downloadable on an IOS or
                      Dana Mullaney                                         Android device, creates a network of connected
                                                                            neighbors who can communicate in real time
                       Treasurer                                            about neighborhood criminal or suspected
                       Robert Korn                                          criminal activity and safety. It is an additional real
                                                                            time platform to share crime and safety alerts with
                                                                            us. It provides the department an additional crime
                     DIRECTORS                                              reduction strategy in continuing their efforts to
                                                                            maintain a decrease in crime and improving the
                       James Becker                                         safety throughout our neighborhood.
                      Kathleen Cool
                                                                            I encourage everyone who already has a Ring
                      AnneMarie Dari
                                                                            doorbell to download the app and participate in
                      Myra Freeman
                                                                            the program. For those who don’t yet have a Ring
                      Priti Maheswari
                                                                            doorbell I encourage you to get one. The app is
                       Susan Peirson
                                                                            free and Neighbors by Ring already has over 2
                       Casey Shore
          4                                              The Landings & Bay Colony
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