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                                         Mayor’s Message continued

              Commission also ended the past practice of raiding utility  spring to build a new station. Plans are now advancing to
              reserves to balance the budget. That ensures money is  make this happen.
              available for more improvements.
                                                                    By moving forward aggressively with improvements to
              We must take this work to the next level, and there is no  critical infrastructure, we will be better prepared for major
              time to waste. I have urged city staff to lay out Phase 2 this  storms or accidents and can avoid the frequent problems
              fall. I want us to put forth what’s next in ensuring our water  that come with aging plants and pipes. The federal, state
              and sewer infrastructure is as resilient as possible. One  and local governments need to come together to discuss
              critical element is Fiveash. As you may remember, outside  these needs and how to pay for them.
              experts told us that the plant is at significant risk of failure.  When the water main was punctured, Gov. DeSantis and
              The commission will receive a recommendation in the next
                                                                    his emergency preparedness director, Jared Moskowitz,
              few weeks on whether to undertake a top-to-bottom     reached out immediately offering help. They gave us quick
              upgrade or build a new plant.
                                                                    access to the state’s bottled water reserves, sending some
              Flood preparations are also needed. Dorian came upon us  100,000 bottles of water.
              at a point during a king tide cycle. Consequently, flooding  The fire departments for Broward, Palm Beach and Miami-
              would have been substantially worse. The city is working to
                                                                    Dade counties also supplied tanker trucks to assist with fire
              upgrade its seawalls and has projects designed and ready  suppression if needed.
              to go to make improvements in areas that currently
              experience the worst flooding.                        In past hurricanes, restoring electricity has been a top
                                                                    concern. With Dorian, there was an FPL staff person
              The city has long said that the police station is in such poor  present in the city’s emergency operations center to
              condition that it likely could not withstand hurricane-force  provide smoother communications regarding their
              winds. Fortunately, voters approved a bond issue this
                                                                    operations. City management also believed there were
                                                                                improved communications with Broward
                                                                                County and other municipalities before,
                                                                                during and after the storm.

                                                                                I cannot thank enough our team here at City
                                                                                Hall. Throughout both ordeals, we were able
                                                                                to provide continuous communications to the
                                                                                public as well with updates posted on the
                                                                                city web site and across social media. Our
                                                                                community was always in touch with events
                                                                                as they were occurring.
                                                                                In closing, please remember that Dorian’s
                                                                                passage is not an end to our need to be
                                                                                vigilant of dangerous weather. Hurricane
                                                                                season runs until the first of December, and
                                                                                we should expect that more storms could form.
                                                                                Also, I urge everyone to do what they can to
                                                                                assist our neighbors in the Bahamas. Many
                                                                                efforts are underway to provide support, and
                                                                                they are in desperate need of the help. n

                                                                                Dean Trantalis
                                                                                Mayor, City of Fort Lauderdale

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