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Mayor’s Message continued

             It’s not that we want to make arrests. But if people disobey   For those who do end up being cited for violating the
             and reject offers of assistance, we have no other option but to   encampment law, we have been working with the sheriff
             engage the power of the police. Even then, our goal would then   on an action plan. At first, the sheriff said he was not going
             be to get them the needed help after they’ve been detained.   to take those charged with municipal offenses any longer,
             That could be substance abuse treatment, mental health care,   changing a longstanding practice of past sheriffs. But now, he
             medical assistance, job training or family reunification.   is willing to work with us.
             We can do it. We did it before. When I became mayor    Our hope is that maybe there could be a separate place
             in 2018, one of our first acts was to close the homeless   in the jail for those charged with violating public camping
             encampment by the main downtown library. The people living   ordinances and that service providers could go there and
             there were helped to find housing and assistance.      develop assistance plans with individuals. A municipal
                                                                    ordinance violation is not considered a criminal offense so
             To accomplish our goals, we are currently looking for a location
             for a full-service homeless assistance center downtown.   these people would not end up with a criminal record.

             We could move to this location our community court program   We have also re-tooled a city mobile app — FixIt — so the
             where judges work with homeless individuals charged with   public can help us. The app will allow individuals to report a
             minor offenses to get the help they need. We could also bring   potential public camping violation so our police and homeless
             in all the assistance providers to direct people to available   outreach team can address it promptly.
             programming and housing.                               And to be clear, emergency responders and our homeless
                                                                    outreach team are out on the streets daily dealing with
             The plan is to have a location set in the fourth quarter of
             this year.                                             homelessness already.
                                                                    Last year alone, the homeless outreach team, the Police
             We also are coordinating with community partners in the
             private, public and nonprofit sectors to secure additional   Department and Fire Rescue responded to more than 11,000
             shelter space.                                         calls related to homelessness. Until the new ordinances,
                                                                    though, little could be done if an individual refused help
             Homeless assistance and sheltering is supposed to be a duty   unless they were violating some other statute, ordinance or
             of county government, not individual cities. But unfortunately,   park regulation.
             our county is woefully lacking in shelter availability.
                                                                    We recognize the seriousness of this issue and are addressing
             There are only 612 shelter beds available countywide, but   it head-on. Just as the city has always done.
             the county’s own fact-finding work shows that there are
             2,487 homeless individuals in Broward. So, it’s not just a   Sincerely,
             Fort Lauderdale problem, it’s a Miramar problem, a Sunrise
             problem, a Lauderhill problem and a problem for all the rest of   Dean Trantalis
             Broward’s 31 cities.
             We are in direct communications with the county to work
             toward immediate action. We are also actively leading on the
             issue by providing ideas for temporary shelters where pallet
             homes or tents could be set up.
             While the county has in the past rebuffed the use of BSO’s old
             stockade, we believe there is new traction for that option.
             We also could consider land that the city owns in
             unincorporated Broward’s Broadview Park. We have
             been working on plans with the Housing Authority to build
             workforce housing there, but we could first use it as a
             homeless sheltering site or merge the two projects together.

             That’s just an idea. But, nothing should be off the table
             for consideration.

        22                                             The Landings & Bay Colony

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