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News, Updates & Events

        DISTRICT 1 COMMISSIONER                               CELEBRATES 30th SEASON IN OUR CITY

        Heather Moraitis was born in                          Symphony of the Americas is
        Fort Lauderdale and graduated                         thrilled to be celebrating its
        from the University of Florida                        30th Season in our community
        with a Master’s degree in                             this year. Honoring the
        Education. She returned to Fort                       milestone, a series of terrific events are planned in
        Lauderdale to raise her family                        addition to marvelous performances, under the baton of
        with her husband George upon                          Maestro James Brooks-Bruzzese. Concerts are given
        completion of his service in the                      monthly through April 2018 in the Amaturo Theater at the
        United States Navy. Heather                           Broward Center for the Performing Arts.
        worked for the Navy in Italy                          A strong arm of the orchestra is the Symphony Society,
        overseeing two child                                  founded in 2003. It provides great support through
        development centers.
                                                              volunteerism and fund raising. The luncheon meetings are
        After returning to Fort Lauderdale, she was an education  held at Coral Ridge Yacht Club, traditionally the third
        consultant for Jack and Jill Children’s Center helping  Thursday of each month, 11:30 AM. Special programs
        relocate the center to the current location on Broward Blvd.  are presented (ranging from fashion shows, skin care,
        She taught elementary school at Westminster Academy   flower arranging, musical performances and more) at each
        before serving as their Director of Development.      meeting. All those interested in supporting the Symphony
                                                              are invited to attend—you will be warmly welcomed. To
        Heather has been active in the community. She was the
                                                              make a reservation, contact Judy Marini at 954-644-9049
        president of the Junior League of Greater Fort Lauderdale
        where she worked collaboratively to launch the Fort   or email
        Lauderdale Independence Training & Education (FLITE)  Concerts in 2018 will feature Jazz (January 9), Broadway
        Center for youth aging out of foster care. During her time  and Opera (February 18), Ballet (March 13), and
        in the Junior League, she also led a team to write a  renowned pianist Conrad Tao (April 10). Also, Serenades
        nutrition program for 2nd grade students, which was   @ Sunset performances are held at Pier 66.
        implemented in Broward County Public Schools.
        Heather received the Governor’s Points of Light Award
        and the Florida Department of Education Commissioner’s
        Business Recognition Award for her service to the
        community. She participated in Leadership Broward,
        Lifeworks Leadership, Women in Leadership and Greater
        Fort Lauderdale Chamber of Commerce Leadership Fort
        Lauderdale, and is a member of the Greater Fort
        Lauderdale Chamber of Commerce, Navy League Fort
        Lauderdale Council and prior member of the City of Fort
        Lauderdale Marine Advisory Board.
                                                              Special events planned are Festival of Pearls (January 27),
        She currently serves on the board of the Coral Ridge Isles
        Homeowner’s Association. Since 2008, Heather has      Holland America Cruise Ship Luncheon (February 24),
        volunteered for the YMCA of South Florida. She is     30th Anniversary Gala Celebration at the Ritz Carlton
        currently working for the YMCA as the Director of Capital  (April 7), and Kentucky Derby Party (May 5).
        Development.                                          A monthly newsletter is available to update you on the
                                                              happenings of the Symphony and Society. For more
        Heather ran unopposed for the District 1 Commissioner
        position and will be sworn in as our new District 1   information contact SOTA at 954-335-7002 or
        Commissioner soon after the Municipal General Election
        on Tuesday, March 13, 2018. Congratulations, Heather!

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