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President’s Message continued
Bayview Park Sign
We are very fortunate to have two former City Parks and Rec Of course, there are many factors that can affect crime in a
Advisory Board members, Bruce Quailey and Karen Polivka, neighborhood; it’s difficult to control for every variable. But
on our CRCCE Board of Directors. They have been strong most people would agree (and research shows) that increased
advocates of improvements to our two great parks, Bayview police presence is a deterrent to certain crimes. The security
Park and Mangurian Park, over the years. As with many of patrol increases that presence, though not as much as one
our neighborhood improvements, it takes time to get funding would like.
programmed and work done. Nothing happens overnight. But So here’s a very interesting fact: we have about half the crime
this is yet another example of how the Board’s persistence has in CRCCE as does Coral Ridge. Our two communities are
resulted in some long awaited neighborhood improvements.
similar in size. CRCCE has about 5050 total residents and
Security Patrol Program Update Coral Ridge has 5,320 residents, according to US Census
Bureau data. Click on the link below and see page 2 of
We recently received some interesting crime statistics data the FLPD pdf. Focus on the years (2021 - 2023), since we
from the Fort Lauderdale Police Department. Based on the implemented the SP program in CRCCE: https://acrobat.
statistics that I distributed to the Board last month, the SP
program has been very successful, with year-over-year Type 1 5755d951c864
crime down 14% for the period July ’23 - June ’23 compared
to the prior year period July ’21 to June ’22. That’s pretty CRCCE and Coral Ridge are next each other in the table.
impressive on the surface. But it’s worth looking into more CRCCE has a security patrol program operating and Coral
deeply and comparing our neighborhood’s crime numbers to Ridge does not, although they are attempting to start one.
those of other neighborhoods with SP programs (e.g. Rio Looking back in history, the two communities have had very
Vista, Harbor Beach, Sunrise Intracoastal, Bermuda Riviera) similar amounts of crime, but that has not been the case for
and without SP programs (e.g. Coral Ridge, The Landings, the last couple years. Is the SP program the reason? We can’t
Imperial Point and Victoria Park). be 100% sure, and it’s difficult to attribute our favorable
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