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President’s Message continued

             • Commercial Vehicles                                  have not reviewed). The response indicates that the primary
             • Mobile Homes                                         use is a private club use, not open to the general public, and
             • Bus                                                  therefore parking is not required for the ancillary uses. If in
             • Inoperable Vehicles                                  fact the proposed use is a private club use, and the use (as
             • Recreational Vehicles (RV) – When located in RS-4.4 Only  well as the ancillary pro shop and juice bar) are not open to
             •   Boats, Boats on Trailers, Boat Trailers – When located in RS   the general public, then this private club restriction should be
               4.4. Only                                            clearly noted on the plans and in the review documents as a
                                                                    condition of any approval. If, however, the use is not restricted
             This is meant to clarify that if an RV, Boat, Boat on Trailer, or
             Boat Trailer is located in RS-4.4 they do have to be screened   to members only, and independent activities could be taking
             from view subject to Section 47-34.4.B.2. However, when   place at the same time, then the project should provide
             parked in any other residential zoning districts there is no   additional parking to support the ancillary uses or obtain a
             screening required and an RV, Boat, Boat on Trailer, or Boat   parking reduction, which would require a parking analysis.
             Trailer only needs to be parked on a hard, dust free surface,   We requested a parking analysis at the DRC meeting as you
             within the property lines, subject to all ULDR requirements.  may recall and this has not been provided.
                                                                    We reviewed the parking area design, and are concerned
             The recommendation to amend ULDR might simplify
             enforcement where there are adjacent zoning districts that   about the very tight dimensions (13’ drive aisle adjacent
             have different requirements.                           to the 45-degree spaces), very tight turning radii, and the
                                                                    provision of 20% compact parking spaces and 8 motorcycle
             So the City is saying that the code allows boats, trailers and   spaces, all provided in an apparent attempt to comply with
             RVs to be unscreened everywhere except RS 4.4 districts. We   the parking requirements. It appears that some of the parking
             responded to the City:                                 spaces may not be fully accessible, or conflict with driveways
             Interestingly, the lot in question is located directly across the   or other parking spaces--note the parallel spaces at the south
             street from RS-4.4 properties. Clearly this is offensive to the   end--levitation is seemingly required to get in and out of these
             residents of those RS-4.4 properties; I don’t blame them for   spaces. It is dubious that private club members will be coming
             being upset. Can we work together to craft a City-initiated   to this facility in compact cars and on motorcycles. We can
             zoning text amendment to this section either:          hope for this, but it’s unlikely. Look at the parking lot at the
                                                                    Coral Ridge Country Club—there are not many small vehicles.
             • Applying the RS-4.4 standards to all residential districts? or  If this facility will draw a different demographic, no evidence
             • Applying the RS-4.4 standards to RS-8 districts? or  has been offered. Finally, the data table indicates that 65.4
             •  Applying the RS-4.4 standard to RS-8 districts where they   parking spaces are required, but only 65 parking spaces are
               are adjacent to RS-4.4 districts?                    provided and at least a few of those aren’t really viable. It
             Commissioner Herbst suggested we have that meeting but we   seems obvious a parking reduction application is required in
             have not heard back from the City. We will continue to follow up   this situation.
             as we have received a number of complaints from residents all   With regard to access and egress from the parking area, we
             over the neighborhood about the boat and trailer screening issue.   concerned about the impact of a large new parking garage with
             Development. We spend a lot of time monitoring development   full ingress/egress access to a single lane, two-way alley, which
             applications around the fringe of the neighborhood, mostly   also serves residential uses. We support your comment that
             along Federal, Commercial and Oakland Park. A Padel    ingress/egress to/from the alley should be limited, and we do
             facility has been proposed on the former Sound Advice   not believe applicant’s response to this comment is either
             property at 400-4008 N. Federal. (see image on page 10)  responsive or persuasive. As stated at the DRC meeting, we
                                                                    would like to see a traffic study which analyzes the best way for
             While we believe the facility could be a community amenity,
             Development Committee Chairman Bruce Quailey and I     vehicles to access and leave the site safely and with minimal
             reviewed the plans and staff comments, attended a DRC   impacts to the neighborhood. It’s possible that some modifications
             meeting and expressed the following concerns about the   are advisable, but no expert opinion has been offered.
             project to the City:                                   Thank you for your comments about the large balcony use and
                                                                    design. The use and design of this balcony, which directly
             Several DRC comments reference questions about the
             proposed use and ancillary uses (the pro shop/cafe) , and   overlooks the neighborhood and single family homes, has the
             their independent and cumulative impacts. Some of the   potential to impact on the adjacent community. The applicant
             responses also refer to the submission narrative (which we   response indicates that there is no independent nor ancillary


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