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President’s Message
CORAL R DGE Hope everyone enjoyed their holidays.
C OMMUNIT Y ASSOCIA TION It’s back to reality now.
The Board was busy since the last
meeting. Here’s an update.
by Tim Hernandez LPRs. The Flock Safety License Plate Readers (LPRs) are still in permitting at the City of
President Fort Lauderdale so they obviously are still not installed. We are installing six (6) LPRs
in strategic locations. But we have many streets in the neighborhood, far more than
OFFICERS six, and the Board has discussed creating an incentive program that would help
Tim Hernandez, President encourage homeowners to band together and get one installed on their streets if they
want. The cost is about $2500 per year for an LPR. So, for example, on a canal street
Karen Polivka, Vice President that might have 20 homes, it could cost around $200 per house per year to get one
on your street, assuming 50% participation and some sort of subsidy from the
Craig Singer, Treasurer Association. Our goal is to make this Fort Lauderdale’s safest neighborhood. The
police believe LPRs are both deterrents and effective crime solving tools.
Vicki Lynch, Secretary Save the Date. Mark your calendars for our Member Appreciation event at Coral
Ridge Country Club on Saturday, February 22, 2025 from 4:30 pm to 6:30 pm.
BOARD OF DIRECTORS This event is free for paid Security Patrol (SP) and HOA members. This will be a
Jonathan Brody nice event with food and drinks. It’s a good excuse to join and a way to meet your
neighbors. We want to do this every year as a way to reward SP/HOA members
Renata Cammarata and build more community. Going forward, the Board voted to eliminate the option
to be just an HOA member. The cost of the HOA, now including the security patrol,
Judy High will remain at $550 per household for 2025, despite the fact more neighborhoods
(including Coral Ridge to our south) are establishing security patrol programs to
Robert Mayo increase police presence. Also keep in mind the cost to us is being raised to $70
per hour (we started out at $45 per hour three years ago when we launched the
Brian O’Connell program). We have about 275 members (out of about 1250 single family homes in
the neighborhood). We need more members to be able to increase hours of patrol.
Paige O’Mahoney Code Enforcement. In response to numerous complaints from neighbors, we have
Bruce Quailey been working with the City of Fort Lauderdale on various code enforcement matters,
notably boats, commercial vehicles and RVs blocking sidewalks, bike paths and
Jeff Stich being parked unscreened overnight.
We got this opinion from Acting Development Services Director Al Battle at the City:
COMMITTEE MEMBERS Commissioner Herbst, In advance of the meeting, I am providing information to clarify
Peter Anderson, Membership our position on enforcement. Back in 2021, the Acting Zoning Administrator Burt Ford
provided this interpretation on the issue that is currently used by enforcement staff.
Rick Cahill, Traffic & Safety 47-34.4 – Prohibited Parking or Storage of Commercial Vehicles or Commercial
Agnes Marx, Communications Watercraft
This memo is meant to clarify the section above and how it relates to the storage
Valerie Harvey, Social Events
valerie.harvey@ and screening of Recreational Vehicles, Boats, Boats on Trailers, and Boat Trailers.
Section 47-34.4.B – Overnight Parking of Specified Vehicles, Boats, and Trailers in
Residential Districts, has specific criteria for the parking of these vehicles on
residential property. The section prohibits parking of vehicles between the hours of
9:00pm and 6:00am and requires screening for the vehicles listed below.
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