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Security Patrol Logs continued

             1730  Observed the stop sign at NE 41 St / NE 26th Ave was   1136  37th Dr home had two packages at front door; placed on
             removed from Its post; called traffic engineering to respond    rear patio and texted owner.
             and re-install.                                        1155  On a roll today - found yet another unlocked slider at

             Sunday, December 1, 2024                               home on NE 36 Ave; cleared interior - everything looked fine.
             1655  Assisted Patrol with a found child call at Bayview Park Ref   Resident contacted, FLPD case # 24-221507
             Case number 34-2412-208034. The child was reunited with her   Tuesday December 31, 2024
             parents, all 10-4.
                                                                    1455  Owner from 43rd St isle home texted about me securing
             Tuesday, Dec 3, 2024                                   a package as well as the security concern of their front door still
             1600  In service, retrieved detail phone. No new missed calls,   taped off as if it was freshly painted; gives the impression they
             but one text of an overnight auto theft attempt (again) around   are away as it’s been in the same state for at least a week.
             0020 hours this morning at NE 45 St. Another neighbor’s car on   1502  Construction worker at the isle home on 40th Ct.
             NE 45 St was successfully stolen. Sent text reply asking for case
             number for follow-up and that will let other detail officers know.   Thursday January 2, 2025
             Case # 208836 (report currently incomplete). Info sent to other   1200  In service, received a msg member going out of town -
             detail officers.                                       added to list.

             1845  For last 15 mins of shift, I patrolled / sat out in front of   1200  rec’d a call from a member in reference to a reckless
             3071 NE 45 St. Had a pleasant conversation with several   driver. Patrolled the area.
             neighbors and gave some crime prevention tips - all thankful for
             the patrol.

             Saturday, December 7, 2024
             1800  In service, collected detail phone. Responded to text in
             reference to people going door to door in the neighborhood
             around NE 37th Dr, possibly looking for money.
             1830  Conducting roving patrol in area of NE 37th Dr. No
             suspicious activity.

             Tuesday, December 10, 2024
             1800  Followed up on last week’s auto theft cases - updated
             detail team on suspect info.

             Tuesday, December 24, 2024
             1015  In service. No new texts or missed calls. Reviewed activity
             log and began away checks.
             1030  The first isle home on 43rd St was discovered to have an
             unlocked rear door with some paper blocking the door (maybe
             painting inside?); apprised the owner via text and asked if she
             would like me to check the interior to which she replied yes.
             However, upon opening the door, there is a large dresser and
             TV stand in front of it.  There is no way that someone went into
             the home via this unsecured door - resident phoned and very
             appreciative of our effort. Will make a note in the log not to open
             and set off the alarm. FLPD Case # 24-221460
             1050  Another house check discovered an unsecure door at isle
             home on 40th Ct; checked interior - all seemed fine. Homeowner
             called / texted about situation and was thankful.
             FLPD Case # 24-221470                                            Lt. DeAnna Greenlaw & Sgt. Mark Wright


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