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President’s Message continued

             Remaining work includes filling in                                      to about 70 after this year’s meeting!
             missing sidewalk gaps, raising a couple                                 So please renew your membership
             more of the intersections (NE 40th Street                               so we can continue to make needed
             in CRCCE), regrading and sodding                                        value-enhancing improvements to the
             the swales, and installing permanent                                    neighborhood. One of the things we
             signage and thermoplastic striping.                                     have been discussing include installing
                                                                                     license plate readers at entries to the
             Total cost of the project was $
             3,039,064. $2,402,350 of these costs                                    neighborhood. The police strongly
             were funded by a Broward Metropolitan                                   advocate LPRs as a highly effective 24/7
             Planning Organization (MPO) Complete                                    tool in their arsenal. Another is installing
             Street Grant – Federal gas tax money.                                   decorative street signs similar to other
             The balance was funded by the City of                                   neighborhoods such as Colee Hammock
             Fort Lauderdale.                                                        and Victoria Park. Lighting up and
                                                                                     providing landscaping at the entryways
             During 2022 CRCCE HOA Board                                             is another intiative that has been
             accomplished a great deal. Here’s are                                   discussed for which there is no funding.
             some of the most significant:
             1.  Launched the Security Patrol Program,                               Finally, we lost Michele Allen from the
               which now has 305 members                                             Board due to her business demands. This
             2.  Implemented the installation of                                     was huge loss. Michele was in charge of
               over 40 speed cushions throughout                                     the website and contributed a great deal
               the neighborhood. This cost about                                     to the board as she was doing a lot.
               $100,000.                                                             Here are some of the things she did:
             3.  Worked with the City and FDOT                                       •  Keeping and updating the master
               on implementing the Bayview Drive                                       HOA and Security Patrol databases.
               Improvements                                                          •  Sending out eblasts and surveys to the
             4.  Developed and launched a new                                          persons in the databases.
               website                                                               •  Maintaining and revising the website
             5.  Held a Community Picnic                                             We need someone to fill this role. Ideally
             6.  Got the “Bayview Dip” in front of the                               the person would have experience with
               Country Club repaired —this cost the                                  Constant Contact and website design
               City over $500,000.                                                   and updating. Other board members are
             7.  Monitored Development Applications                                  pitching in at the moment but none us
             8.  Engaged with City on the Homeless/                                  have Michele’s skills or familiarity with

               Panhandling problem                                                   these things.
             9.  Researched implementing a License                                   If you have these skills and would
               Plate Reader Program                                                  be interested in helping make the
             10.  Worked with City on Roundabout                                     community better, please reach out!
                 and Entry Landscaping
             11.  Worked with City on various                                        Keep up to date on neighborhood
                 Code Enforcement Issues including                                   happenings via eblasts (sign up on our
                 vacation rentals, unscreened                                        website
                 commercial vehicles, boats and                                      if you are not getting them—they might
                 RVs in front yards and unpermitted                                  be a bit less frequent for a while until we
                 improvements.                                                       can replace Michele.

             That’s a pretty impressive considering                                  Tim Hernandez
             the Board is comprised of volunteers                                    President, CRCCE Community
             and HOA membership is voluntary.                                        Association
             After last year’s annual meeting, we
             had 200 HOA member. We are down


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