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Security Patrol

                               Security and

              Protection in CRCCE

                                                                    By Vicki Lynch, Board Secretary and SP Committee Chair

             CRCCE Board VP Karen Polivka reported on two meetings   the shortage of officers available or willing to volunteer for
             she attended on behalf of the Association. Both meetings, The   the extra duty.
             Council of Fort Lauderdale Civic Associations on Tuesday,   CRCCE, fortunately, is ahead of the curve with an established
             August 8th and the District 1 Commissioners meeting with John   and staffed Security Patrol. Our officers typically begin their
             Herbst on August 21st, discussed the city-wide shortage of   4 – 5 hour shift with the Home Away Checks that average 4 to
             police officers. Salient points made at these meetings included:
                                                                    10 a day. From that point on, they patrol the neighborhood,
             •  Our city has a shortage of police officers. Three police  remaining visible and vigilant. During an average shift, an
               districts have only 60 officers per shift.           officer clocks about 30 miles. Security Patrol officers constantly
                                                                    monitor the police radio for non-emergency events and 911
             •  This means our district has only 11 officers per shift to patrol  calls. Circulating police vehicles and the Security Patrol
               the entire 36 square mile area. The area covered extends  lawn signs make CRCCE a less attractive neighborhood for
               from Broward Blvd north to the city limit and from Dixie Hwy  potential offenders. This dual visual presence provides an
               to and including the beach. Two of these officers exclusively  added layer of security for CRCCE.
               cover the seven (7) miles of beachfront properties.
                                                                    Some residents have expressed concerns that they never see
             •  The city has budgeted for 14 new officers citywide for 2024.  the officers and the officers don’t answer the phone. In one
               Several of the new officers will be assigned to homeless  instance, a neighbor complained that the officers never came
               outreach, thus reducing the number of new officers available  down his street...despite the fact that his neighbor across the
               for  district patrol. Once hired, the new officers will enter a  street had been away for six weeks and a patrol car was
               year-long training period before they are ‘on the streets’.
                                                                    parked in the street for 5 – 10 minutes each time an officer
             •  Almost every neighborhood has requested additional police  performed the Away Check.
               patrols, but none are currently available to meet these requests.
                                                                    The Security Patrol Committee is considering solutions to
             •  Many neighborhood associations are attempting to set up a  make the officers more visible. The officers are not on duty
               Security Patrol using our model. This will be difficult due to  24/7 which is why it is imperative that residents call the

        22                                   CORAL RIDGE COUNTRY CLUB ESTATES COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION

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