Page 26 - CRCCE0923
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Security Patrol continued
non-emergency number 954-764-4357 or in case of
emergency call 911. When on duty, the officers monitor
both channels and will respond. Calling the Security Patrol
number first wastes valuable time in an emergency.
Officers log their hours weekly and we know they are
working. The reduction in reported crime in CRCCE since
the initiation of the Patrol testifies to the benefit of a team
of officers specially dedicated to our neighborhood. We
are fortunate to have a dedicated team on our side while
the city overall has a police shortage.
Vicki Lynch and her husband of 50 years, Robert, a retired physician, lived near Valley Forge, PA
before moving to CRCCE full-time almost 15 years ago. They have three grown sons and two grown
daughters. Vicki started her professional career as a middle school English teacher, but soon gravitated to
fundraising. She initially worked as an event planner and eventually moved up to major gifts and capital
campaign work. In Fort Lauderdale, Vicki opened her own consulting business working with free medical
and dental clinics to complete successful capital campaigns needed to expand their facilities and capacity.
Vicki is the secretary of the CRCCE Association and chair of the Security Patrol Committee.
9/6/23 7:50 PM
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