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Special Feature continued
photo by Tirone Garcia / rendering courtesy of Slattery & Associates, Architect
to continue their membership legacy through generations to facility at CRYC. This new facility will make a statement to the
come. CRYC member Dr. Valerie Rossetti reflects over the last community as it is architecturally FANTASTIC! The details of the
several years that she’s “enjoyed being a member of CRYC project will be enjoyed by all. Having been lucky enough to
and bringing my entire family for activities and events. There construct several facilities of this nature, we are proud to add
is nothing quite like spending the holidays at the club. From it to our resume. See you at the grand opening”,
watching the fireworks on the 4th of July, enjoying stress free Taking inspiration from infamous local projects, The Pointe will
dining for Easter Brunch, to having front row seats for the be Fort Lauderdale’s new undisputed benchmark in waterside
Winterfest Boat Parade, it is a great place to gather amongst dining! An upscale, yet family-friendly design with soft seating
family and friends. Our two young daughters love spending surrounded by firepits and a state-of-the art sports-bar; its
weekend afternoons in the pool and participating in the great million-dollar view won’t disappoint! The Pointe will be THE
classes CRYC has to offer, such as sailing camp and cotillion PLACE to meet up with fellow members and guests, enjoy a
classes. It really has been a great place for us to hang out, have delicious meal, celebrate meaningful occasions, or just sit
a great meal and lots of good laughs.“
back, relax and watch the yachts go by. The Pointe will also
And what a bright future is expected ahead! offer a convenient marketplace for members on-the-go who
prefer a take-away option to enjoy a delicious snack while
CRYC is broadening its footprint by adding a modern 8,000
square foot outdoor restaurant/ situated on the Intracoastal boating or sunning poolside.
Waterway for members-only. The Pointe is slated to open Oh, and by the way… did anyone say, Pickleball?? That’s right
Spring 2024 and will forever change the landscape of …no renovation in today’s modern world would be complete
the Intracoastal waterway. General Manager, Nadine D. without offering the fastest growing sport in America! Pickleball-
Rockwell, CCM, states, “I’m proud to be an integral part of mania is making its way through the club’s welcoming white
this Renaissance project, working in concert with the Project gates and will be the talk of the town! A sport for all ages and
Team, CRYC Leadership and Management Team”! athletic ability, Pickleball will be an added amenity that keeps
members physically fit and socially active!
The Pointe Project is spearheaded by well-known local masters
of architecture, construction, and design- Dutch Bliss, Slattery CRYC is currently welcoming new members. For additional
Architects and Pamela Manhas. Dutch Bliss states, “We are information regarding Membership opportunities, please call
excited to be part of the construction of the new Pointe Bar Membership Director, Adrienne Memmoli at 954.566.7888.
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CRCCE 1123.indd 34
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