Page 12 - CRCCE1224
P. 12
President’s Message continued
Golden Years (45.5% of CRCCE) Urban Chic (27.9% of CRCCE)
US Households: 1,657,400 US Households: 1,635,200
US Average Household Size: 2.06 US Average Household Size: 2.39
US Median Age: 52.3 US Median Age: 43.3
US Median Household Income: $71,700 US Median Household Income: $109,400
WHO ARE WE? Independent, active seniors nearing the end WHO ARE WE? Urban Chic residents are professionals that
of their careers or already in retirement best describes Golden live a sophisticated, exclusive lifestyle. Half of all households
Years residents. This market is primarily singles living alone or are occupied by married-couple families and about 30% are
empty nesters. Those still active in the labor force are em- singles. These are busy, well-connected, and well-educated
ployed in professional occupations; however, these consumers consumers—avid readers and moviegoers, environmentally
are actively pursuing a variety of leisure interests—travel, active, and financially stable. This market is a bit older, with a
sports, dining out, museums, and concerts. They are involved, median age of 43 years, and growing slowly, but steadily.
focused on physical fitness, and enjoying their lives. This mar- • Well educated, more than 65% of residents hold a bache-
ket is smaller, but growing, and financially secure.
lor’s degree or higher (Index 212).
• Golden Years residents—22% have graduate or profession- • Labor force participation is higher at 68%.
al degrees, 28% have bachelor’s degrees, and 25% have
some college credits. • Residents are employed in white-collar occupations—in
managerial, technical, and legal positions.
• Labor force participation is somewhat low at 56% (Index
89), due to residents reaching retirement. • Nearly 40% of households receive income from investments.
• Median household income is higher in this market, more • Environmentally aware, residents actively recycle and main-
than $71,000. Although wages still provide income to nearly tain a “green” lifestyle.
two out of three households, earned income is available from • These busy, tech-savvy residents use PCs extensively for an
investments, Social Security benefits, and retirement income. array of activities such as shopping, banking, and staying
• These consumers are well connected: Internet access is used current—a top market for Apple computers.
for everything from shopping or paying bills to monitoring • Shop at Trader Joe’s, Costco, or Whole Foods.
investments and entertainment. • Eat organic foods, drink imported wine, and truly appreci-
• They are generous supporters of the arts and charitable ate a good cup of coffee.
organizations. • Travel extensively (domestically and internationally).
• They keep their landlines and view cell phones more as a • Prefer to drive luxury imports and shop at upscale establish-
convenience. Avid readers, they regularly read daily newspa- ments.
pers, particularly the Sunday edition. • Embrace city life by visiting museums, art galleries, and
• They subscribe to cable TV; news and sports programs are movie theaters for a night out.
popular as well as on-demand movies. • Avid book readers of both digital and audio formats.
• They use professional services to maintain their homes • Financially shrewd residents that maintain a healthy portfolio
inside and out and minimize their chores. of stocks, bonds, and real estate.
• Leisure time is spent on sports (tennis, golf, boating, and • In their downtime, enjoy activities such as skiing, yoga,
fishing) or simple exercise like walking. hiking, and tennis.
• Good health is a priority; they believe in healthy eating,
coupled with vitamins and dietary supplements.
• Active social lives include travel, especially abroad, plus
going to concerts and museums.
• Residents maintain actively managed financial portfolios
that include a range of instruments such as IRAs, common
stocks, and certificates of deposit (more than six months).
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