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Annual Meeting Minutes continued

             •  17th Street Causeway Bridge – A proposed lighting system   o  Participation by all eight Isles – those Isles not choosing
               under the bridge will add an artistic flair to the bridge with a   to participate will be excluded from the benefits of
               total cost of $6 million. The County has approved $2 million   Restoration of Restrictive Covenants.
               with the remainder of funding pending from other sources.
                                                                    Randy Rupp, Rupp Associates, provided printed copies of the
             •  Proposed Brightline commuter rail – Commissioner Fisher   financials for HBPHOA, Inc. and Harbor Beach Island Fund
               plans to meet with BDO to compare a proposed tunnel vs. a   (HBI) to all attendees.
               bridge.  Studies have shown that younger people will use the   Director Jake Wurzak addressed attendees with a proposal
               commuter rail.
                                                                    from Allied Universal Security Company:
             •  Other topics – Rationale for road closures during the season;   •   The security proposal includes two trained and armed
               Controlled by State of Florida.  Over-development; controlled   security guards, two roving vehicles, vacation check on
               by City Commission.  Lack of coordination between the   residences and garage check on residences. Suggested
               County Commission and City Commission.
                                                                     method for payment is bi-annual and online. The cost for
             Raymond Nazaire and Connie Hayman, City of Fort         services by Allied Universal Security is approximately
             Lauderdale Public Works Engineering brought greetings and   $675,000 annually.
             commented on the following items relevant to Harbor Beach:  Sergeant Heather Lee stated to attendees that implementation

             •  Bridge at South Ocean and Mercedes – The project contract   of 24-hour security coverage by FLPD is forthcoming. Harbor
               was awarded and is anticipated to commence February   Beach currently has one of the lowest crime rates in all of
               12th, 2024.                                          Broward County. The largest criminal activity in Harbor Beach
                                                                    is automobile theft and property crime. Residents are reminded
             •  West Lake Drive –  Three bridges are scheduled for full   to lock their vehicles, secure key fobs and close garage doors.
               replacement due to age of the bridges and concrete spalling.
               The Mercedes River Bridge will be the first. The bridges were   President Annette Ross moved that meeting attendees confirm
               built in 1956 with a 50 year life span.  Design will take 18   the slate of HBPHOA board candidates presented.
               months to complete and construction 12 months to complete.  The ballot includes:
             Courtney Crush, Esq., discussed the Restoration of the   Trish Bailey-Entin
             Restrictive Covenants:                                 Mike Byrne
                                                                    Ann Cadwalader
             •  By way of background, the Restoration is focused on   Kurt Holstein
               implementing a maintenance schedule, security budget and   Michael Rinzler
               focus on Harbor Beach as a single-family community.   Annette Ross
               Documents mandated by the State of Florida are included.
                                                                    Barry Somerstein
             •  Packets to residents for signature have been sent via USPS   Tim Stocksdale
               and copies were made available at the meeting.       Jake Wurzak
             •  A 51 percent majority of residents per Isle or Section is   Pat Riley (Alternate)
               necessary for the Restrictive Covenants to pass.     Seconded by audience member and approved unanimously by
             •  After the Covenants are approved, the Board of Directors   all in attendance.
               will create a budget, determine assessments, implement   Director Barry Somerstein moved that Jake Wurzak and the
               increased security and other business upon approval of the   current group of HBI members work on a voluntary contribution
               HBPHOA General Membership.                           as HBPHOA members to enhance security in the Harbor Beach
             •  Resident concerns:                                  neighborhood until such time as contribution is mandatory.

               o  Assessment methodology – current language of assessment   Seconded by Audience Member and approved unanimously
                cost is restricted to original language found in Covenants   by all in attendance.
                determined by State statute. Upon approval, the General   The HBPHOA Annual Meeting was adjourned at 7:57 pm.
                Membership will vote to approve new methodology and
                budget.                                             (No further business was conducted)  HB

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