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                                      Commissioner’s Message continued

              kayaking, and canoeing should be avoided within these  burden on them, particularly as they try to prepare for the
              boundaries. A map of the advisory area is available on  holidays. The entire neighborhood has shown an
              our website at                    incredible amount of patience and understanding as our
                                                                    crews have worked day and night to address this issue. I
              Let me also emphasize that this situation underscores the
              vital need for improved infrastructure. Since being elected,  truly appreciate the exemplary way our neighbors have
              this City Commission has made infrastructure a top priority.  dealt with this difficult set of circumstances.
                                                                    Again, our thanks to everyone here in Rio Vista. Please be
              We ended the practice of past administrations that raided
              our utility reserves to balance the budget and have   assured that we will continue to work as quickly as
              earmarked hundreds of millions of dollars in funding for  possible until the pipe replacement and remediation of the
                                                                    area is complete. RV
              large-scale sewer, water, and stormwater improvements in
              this neighborhood and throughout the city.            Thank you.
              Finally, let me thank all our neighbors in Rio Vista. This  Ben Sorensen
              situation has placed a huge inconvenience and heavy   District 4 Commissioner

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