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RV0120.qxp_Layout 1  12/18/19  7:10 PM  Page 14

                                                            Commissioner’s Message

                                                 would like to share some good news with everyone about the 54-inch sewer main
                                                 repair. During the overnight hours, crews were able to install a line stop on each
                                               Iside of the damaged portion of the pipe along with a 36-inch bypass line. At
                                               approximately 3:04 am on 12/18/19, the line stops were activated, the valves on
                                               the bypass line were opened, and the sewage flow was diverted around the
                                               damaged section of pipe and into the bypass pipe. The bypass line is functioning
                                               properly, the wastewater collection system is back online, and sewage is no longer
                                               spilling from the pipe or reaching the Tarpon River. Tanker and vac truck operations
                                               have been discontinued and pumps and diversion lines have been demobilized.
                                               With the system stabilized, work is beginning on repairs to the damaged portion of
                                               the 54-inch pipe. Crews plan to dig an access pit around the pipe so it can be cut
                                               out, removed, and replaced with a new section. While the pipe replacement moves
                                               forward, cleanup activities and site remediation work will continue.
                                               Some of the construction equipment will begin being removed from the site. Our
                   Ben Sorensen                environmental contractor, Cliff Berry, Inc., (CBI) arrived on site on Wednesday,
               District 4 Commissioner
                                               12/11 and will continue to clean and sanitize the affected area. They are
               Office of the Mayor and City    disinfecting and pressure washing public roads, sidewalks, swale areas, and
                     Commission                driveways of impacted properties. They have also deployed mitigation techniques
                 City of Fort Lauderdale       to minimize odor concerns. The current plan is to address the affected homeowner
                    954-828-5003               properties first and then remediate Hector Park, which will be used as a staging
                                               area for CBI’s remediation activities. CBI will remain in the area until we are
                                               satisfied that restoration of the site is complete.
                    Juan Saavedra
                     Chief of Staff            While the overflow did not enter individual homes, we are aware that it did run on
               Commissioner Ben Sorensen       to several properties. Neighbors who have incurred expenses or suffered damage
                  Phone: 954.828.5028          related to the sewage overflow can make a claim by calling the City’s Risk
        Management Division at 954-828-5177.
                                               Operations to help restore the Tarpon River remain ongoing. Ten aerators have
                                               operated 24/7 in various points in the Tarpon River and the New River to help
                                               improve water quality.
                                               CBI has had three boats patrolling the canal system in and around Rio Vista during
                                               daylight hours, beginning at 8:00 am and operating until dark. They will continue
                                               monitoring waterways and conducting skimming and debris removal as part of our
                                               cleanup efforts until the remediation is complete.
                                               Thank you all for your patience as we continue to remedy this situation. We also
                                               continue to work closely with the Florida Department of Environmental Protection.
                                               Their representatives toured the site on 12/17 and complimented our staff on the
                                               measures that have been implemented on site, and the contingency plans put in
                                               place as part of our response and remediation efforts.
                                               In the meantime, it’s important to remember that a precautionary advisory for
                                               recreational activities in the Tarpon River and parts of the New River remains in effect.
                                               The boundaries for the advisory are Broward Boulevard to the north, Poinciana
                                               Drive to the east, SE 15 Street to the south, and SW 18 Avenue to the west. Water-
              CITY OF FORT LAUDERDALE          related activities including swimming, fishing, jet-skiing, paddle-boarding,

          14                                                      rio vista civic association •
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