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                                                          RVCA President’s Message

                                                   hank you to the RVCA members who attended the RVCA Annual General
                                                   Meeting on January 27, 2020. Despite multiple notices for the meeting, we
                                              T did not meet the quorum requirements set forth in our bylaws. Due to the lack
                                              of a quorum we were not able to vote on the slate of candidates for the RVCA
                                              Board of Directors which the Nominating Committee worked to compile. The RVCA
                                              Board was looking forward to the new board members but we cannot add new
                                              members without you! Please attend the April 20th General Meeting and vote. A
                                              summary of the meeting follows for those of you who were not able to attend.

                                              Infrastructure Repairs in Rio Vista
                                              We opened our meeting with a presentation lead by Commissioner Sorensen on
                                              what to expect in our neighborhood as the permanent infrastructure repairs begin
                                              and progress. Commissioner Sorensen and City Manager Lagerbloom presented
               Christina Currie, Esq.         with the contributions of: Raj Verma, Director of Public Works; Oscar Castellon,
                      President               Chief Engineer, Public Works; and both David Mancini, Sr. and David Mancini, Jr.
                                              of David Mancini & Sons, Inc. An overview was provided by Robert Bacic, Fort

                      OFFICERS                Lauderdale Deputy Fire Chief, explaining the Fire Department’s established plan for
                                              response which takes in to consideration street closures and detours in Rio Vista.
                  Christina Currie, Esq.      Residents shared areas of concern related to traffic safety with Officer Eric Pekrol
        who was the on-duty FLPD detail officer covering the Rio Vista Security Patrol on the
                                              night of the meeting.
                     Vice President
                      Mark Snead
               Broward County Update
                       Secretary              Upon close of the discussion lead by Commissioner Sorensen, we heard a brief
                      Fred Stresau            presentation from Broward County Commissioner Tim Ryan. He was accompanied
               by Carlos Adorisio and Yvel Rocher who both are engineers in Broward’s

                       Treasurer              Environmental Protection Department which is expediting permits for City
                      Mark Snead              infrastructure work. Residents shared concerns about water quality subsequent to the
        City sewer breaks. In response, Commissioner Ryan committed to exploring the
                                              availability of additional water quality testing to be performed by Broward County.
                   BOARD MEMBERS
                  Nancy Messing Brand         Pursuant to Commissioner Ryan’s commitment to us, his office provided the
                                              following update on 2/17 in response to resident requests:
                   William (Bill) Kirk
                      Sam Koster              1) Traffic light US1/7th – Broward County’s Traffic Engineering division is
                                              conducting a review of the red light timing at the intersection in question and will
                     Eladio Perez
                                              make adjustments, if deemed necessary. The department advised that wait times
                      Rob Ward
                                              during peak periods are designed to maximize progress/coordination on US 1 and,
                    Warren Sturman            as such, can be as much as 2.5 to 3 minutes for SE 7 Street. Nonetheless, the
                 Immediate Past President     department will check to ensure that there are no operating issues. If in fact the side
                                              street queue/delay is unduly long, they will work to extend the green time without
               COUNSEL TO THE BOARD           impacting US 1 traffic.
                   Charles Tatelbaum
                                              2) Water Sampling – Broward County Water Quality Monitoring Program
                                              Broward County samples quarterly and testing includes Chlorophyll, Dissolved
                                              Oxygen, conductivity, salinity, nutrients (total nitrogen, total phosphorus) and
                                              turbidity. Sites where algal bloom was visible last summer may include monthly
                                              results of bacteria as part of our monitoring. The map is very interactive and you

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