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President’s Message continued
can choose a specific parameter and date for each Fire Station 8 Delays
location. In addition, the Bacteria Dashboard, will provide Counsel to the Board, Charles “Chuck” Tatelbaum, is a
the location and analytical results for each of those sites member of the Fire-Rescue Facilities Bond Issue Blue
from 2017-2019 for E. coli and Enterococci. The Water Ribbon Committee. Chuck shared with attendees the results
Quality Data Dashboard includes the map with locations of a report presented to the Committee detailing a series of
and parameters data from 2006 - 2019 for our water
events which have lead to a delay of the completion of Fire
monitoring. See: Station #8 (1717 SW 1st Ave.). At our meeting, Chuck
Lab/AboutUs/Pages/canalwaterquality.aspx. shared his concerns with City Manager Lagerbloom, Dep.
Fire Chief Bacic, Public Works Director Verma and
License Plate Readers
Commissioner Sorensen. All city representatives gave
The matter of the install of license plate readers in Rio Vista assurances that all events leading to the delay have been
is still an ongoing. At the time of this writing, RVCA has an addressed and will not reoccur.
estimate for a portion of the project. When the total
estimated costs are compiled, a full presentation will be Upcoming Events In Rio Vista
scheduled and RVCA begin an organized fundraising Our next General Meeting will take place at the Rio Vista
campaign. Please contact Mark Snead via email at Community Church at 7:30pm on April 20, 2020. Fort to contribute or learn more. Lauderdale Cares Day is on Saturday, April 25, 2020 and
RVCA will be hosting a clothing drive at Francis Abreu
Transportation & Mobility in Rio Vista
Place, please watch your email for reminders. The drive
I continue to have monthly calls with the Director of will benefit Broward Partnership and volunteer hours are
Transportation & Mobility, Ben Rogers. Please note that available for students who wish to participate.
road repairs will be made on an emergency basis and a
full restoration will be conducted upon completion of the Meeting notices, materials and important reminders are
Cordova seawall project and sewer repairs. I shared with disseminated via our electronic newsletter. Please visit
attendees that we will not be issuing a Letter of Support to sign-up for the emails and to
relating to an increase in the height of the speed humps join the RVCA and Protect Rio Vista. RV
along SE 9th Street. This decision was based on email Respectfully,
responses over a 3-month period and the results of a
December 2019 traffic study conducted along SE 9th Street Christina Currie, Esq.
from Federal Highway to 1343 SE 9th Street. The traffic President
study results indicated that the 85th percentile speeds on Rio Vista Civic Association
the road were 23.8 MPG. The 85th percentile speed is a
technical calculation which provides the maximum speed
that 85% of drivers will not exceed and is used in setting
speed limits and as a guide for additional traffic safety SAVE THE DATES!
measures. With regard to the email feedback from May to
July of 2019, 68 individuals emailed me with their position Upcoming 2020
on a height increase. Of those, the results were as follows: RVCA General Meetings 7:30pm:
19 in support, 46 oppose, and 3 did not specify a
preference. Emails contained property address of 4/20/20, 9/21/20, 11/30/20
respondents from all areas of our neighborhood. Efforts for at the Rio Vista Community Church.
the addition of a “No Thru Trucks” sign as requested by
residents in the 800 block area of SE 9 Street continue to Cares Day Clothing Drive @
progress and will be on an upcoming Commission agenda Abreu Place 4/25/2020.
(requires commission approval).
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