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Protect Rio Vista | Rio Vista Civic Association
e need your support for the Protect Rio Vista the patrol. That is $1 a day! You can sign up on our
initiative. The residents of Rio Vista with whom webpage at
WI have spoken are delighted with the service or fill out the form in this issue and send it in.
we receive from the officers working our Protect Rio Vista We will be delivering new signs to all current members in
detail. They agree that we have made Rio Vista a much early January. You will get a renewal reminder in your
safer neighborhood for all residents. renewal anniversary month. If you don’t see a new sign,
The Patrol has helped to calm our streets making Rio Vista you are no longer on the list and will need to renew using
a safer place for our children to play. We in Rio Vista are the form nearby or on our website:
very appreciative of the dedicated team of Fort Lauderdale
Police professionals protecting our families and homes as If you are not sure of your membership status, please go to
we work, play and sleep. our website at:
In a perfect world, and considering the property tax base customer-list.pdf. If any questions, please email me at
in Rio Vista, there would be no need to have an off-duty
patrol. As we all know, however, the reality is much The greater the participation, the more hours of coverage
different. These patrols put more officers on the street! That we will be able to provide. If your renewal has already
is a good thing for us and the city. been submitted, thank you for your support!
$400 per year is a small price to pay for the peace of
mind this brings. Of this amount, $35 goes to RVCA and Mark Snead
the balance, $365, goes to Protect Rio Vista in support of VP & Treasurer, RVCA
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