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Patrol Logs continued

              Monday, May 27, 2024                                   several times. I located the vehicle while the alarm was still
              1515  Responded to SE 10th St. dead-end to assess situation;   going off. I spoke to the property owner and she said she
              turns out the temporary construction fence has been blown   did not know who the car belonged to. Tag came back to the
              over which gives the impression its ‘open to the public.’ I   same property owner but to another vehicle, expired in 2023.
              made contact with property manager (boat captain) who has   The VIN came back to another and had not been registered.
              been trying to have the fence fixed but he has to go through   Property owner then admitted she bought the car in March
              numerous channels and is hitting a roadblock…apparently the   2023 and did not register. I then caught her deliberately
              fence bases are bent/broken and unable to be stood upright.   setting off the alarm with a remote. I had the vehicle towed.
              I put up yellow tape across the open section to deter people   Monday, June 3, 2024
              from trespassing onto the private lot - sent text to reporter   0730  I continued patrol. Checked by all of the parks and
              advising such and deleted voicemail.
                                                                     finished house checks. Found vehicle door open at home on
              Wednesday, May 29, 2024                                SE 11 Ct. but couldn’t get reach the owner; rest of property
              1400  Case# 34-2405-05402 I spoke with Sgt. Dameron    was secure - unable to secure vehicle. Case # 34-2406-
              and learned of an Aggravated assault on construction workers   098543. While at this property, a resident drove by advising
              at the end of SE 10th street that happened early this morning.   his vehicles were burglarized. Responded to home on SE 11th
              Suspect James Pete Spiska was located and arrested.    Ct. and found that both vehicles were rummaged through with
                                                                     items taken from one; FLPD case # 34-2406-098555. Possible
              Thursday, May 30, 2024
              2200   Assist removing a homeless male from LYC. I found   culprit vehicle silver older Toyota Corolla with two black males
              the subject trespassing at a construction site and removed him   wearing hoodies.
              from the neighborhood.                                 Monday, June 17, 2024
                                                                     1700  Responded to, and spoke at length with, the
              Sunday, June 2, 2024
              1900   Text of vehicle alarm going off again at home on   homeowner on 10th St. in reference to the harassment issue.
              SE 12th St. This is the same vehicle that has been called on   Moved detail car to the street as additional layer of visibility.

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