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President’s Message continued

                                     Meet OurNewest RVCA Board Members

              Alex Jean                                              back. This neighborhood has what many in south Florida
                                                                     unfortunately lack, a true sense of community. We are raising
                                          My name is Alex Jean,
                                          and I am a native of Fort   our 4 wonderful children here, attending the local school and
                                          Lauderdale. I attended     actively trying to give back when we can. A board seat on
                                          Cardinal Gibbons High      the RVCA was the perfect opportunity to be able to help the
                                          School and earned my       neighborhood through event hosting and other activities we
                                          Bachelor of Science in Legal   believe bring value to the many families like us living here.
                                          Studies at the University   Ryan Lehrer
                                          of Central Florida. I later   I have proudly served on the
                                          obtained my Juris Doctor   RVCA board since December
                                          from Nova Southeastern     of 2022 after helping to
                                          University Shepard Broad   launch the popular Movie
                                          College of Law, where I    In The Park at Virginia
              also met my beautiful wife. As a trial lawyer specializing in   Young Park. I grew up in the
              personal injury, I own a law firm in Pompano Beach, Florida.
                                                                     neighborhood on both 8th
              Fort Lauderdale has always held a special place in my heart,   Street and then Ponce de
              and from a young age, I aspired to live in Rio Vista. I am   Leon Drive, and I currently
              grateful to have achieved this dream, and my wife and I   live on 9th Street with my
              cherish raising our son in this wonderful neighborhood.  wife and two young boys. I
                                                                     am a Director with the law
              Serving on the RVCA board has been an incredible
              experience, allowing me to connect with many amazing   firm Tripp Scott, PA where I practice business litigation.
              residents. Through my involvement, I have had the opportunity   CorpSponsorsThankYou_RV0724_Layout 1  6/30/2024  7:19 PM  Page 1
              to participate in various community events. I am particularly
              proud of leading the recent RVCA car show, which was a
              tremendous success. I am excited to establish this as an annual   Thank You!
              event that brings our community together for a day of fun and
              I look forward to growing old with my wife and expanding    RVCA would like to thank the following
              our family in Rio Vista. It is my hope that one day our children   local businesses & individuals for their
              will also have the privilege of living in this remarkable
              neighborhood with their families. Thank you! - Alex Jean.        generous sponsorship of our
                                                                          RVCA Protect Rio Vista Security Patrol!
              Evan Jaxtheimer
                                                                                   CORPORATE SPONSORS
                                          I grew up in Rio Vista
                                          through the 90’s and early
                                          2000’s. After returning
                                          from college my wife and
                                          I purchased, renovated,
                                          lived in and sold 4 homes
                                          in various Ft. Lauderdale
                                          neighborhoods. Yet none
                                          were as perfect as I’d
                                          hoped. Looking back at
                                          my adolescent experience,
                                          the warm family oriented
              lifestyle and all that the neighborhood of Rio Vista had to
              offer I knew it was my goal to eventually move back to
              Rio. In 2021 we attained that goal and have never looked

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