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                                                    For Your Health

              Debunking the Myths

              To raise Awareness                                    Removal of the fallopian
                                                                    tubes and ovaries, called a
              about Ovarian Cancer                                  salpingo-oophorectomy, is
                                                                    always a separate
              and Gynecologic                                       procedure from a
                                                                    hysterectomy, which is only
              Cancer Broward Health                                 the removal of the uterus.
                                                                    Technically, a “total”
              Medical Center is                                     hysterectomy includes
                                                                    removal of the cervix, while
              turning the town teal.                                a “partial” or “supra-
                                                                    cervical” hysterectomy,
                                                                    leaves the cervix behind.
                                       will be decorated in teal
                                       ribbons at the main entrance  Myth 3: Some spotting is
              BHMCand women’s center entrance,                      normal after menopause.
              and illuminated outside the building with teal lighting.  Uterine bleeding is never   Scott Jordan, MD
              Turn the Towns Teal is part of a national initiative to raise  normal after menopause and should always be investigated
              awareness of ovarian cancer. While there is no conclusive  by a gynecologist. It can be a warning sign of endometrial
              early detection test for ovarian cancer, knowing the symptoms  cancer or a precancerous lesion and may need to be treated.
              and risk factors can save lives. If detected early, the success  Myth 4: After my hysterectomy, I do not need to see a
              rate is 90-95%.                                       gynecologist.
                                                                    All women should continue to follow with a gynecologist for
              As part of its focus on ovarian cancer, Broward Health  annual exams. If ovaries are left behind, there is still a risk of
              Medical Center also will host a virtual free lecture with Scott  developing ovarian cysts or even ovarian cancer. Vulvar and
              Jordan, MD, on September 23rd at 6pm.
                                                                    vaginal symptoms can also be evaluated. An annual pelvic
              He will lead a discussion on genetic risk factors, warning  exam can detect abnormalities early, before a potential
              signs, and symptoms of ovarian cancer, as well as treatment  problem becomes worse.
              strategies. Dr. Jordon will also discuss surgical management,  Myth 5: If I am post-menopausal, there is no reason to keep
              chemotherapy options, and the role of novel therapeutics such
              as PARP inhibitors, anti-VEGF agents, and immunotherapy.  my ovaries at the time of my hysterectomy.
                                                                    Very large population-based studies have demonstrated a
              Register online at:  decrease in risk of death from any cause in women under
              talk-lecture-series/bhmc-ovarian-cancer-sept-16-2021?type  age 65 who kept their ovaries at the time of their
                                                                    hysterectomy if there was no indication to remove them. There
                                                                    is also a decreased risk of Alzheimer’s disease, and
              Debunking the Myths about Gynecologic Cancers         improved heart health. Even after menopause, your ovaries
              with Dr. Jordan

                                                                    still work to keep you healthy! RV
              Myth 1: Pap smears test for all gynecologic cancers.
              Pap smears are only designed to detect cervical cancer (or
              precancer cells). They do not screen for ovarian or uterine

              Myth 2: A “total” hysterectomy removes the uterus, cervix,
              fallopian tubes and ovaries, while a “partial” hysterectomy
              only removes the uterus and cervix.

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