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                                                       Going Green

                GreenYour                                                 Routine!

                                                      By Celeste Koster

                        e are pleased to announce that Rio                 and materials will be provided. Download the Clean
                        Vista is now an official participant                 Swell app and enter “Rio Vista GYR” as the group
              Wof the Green Your Routine (GYR)                                 name when asked on the day of the clean up.
              Program of Fort Lauderdale! Through                               Volunteer parking is available until noon at the
              volunteerism and working to promote waste                         new Las Olas Garage at 200 Las Olas Circle ---
              reduction, recycling, and sustainable                             UNTIL NOON ON THE 3rd FLOOR---ONLY.
              initiatives in our community our civic                            **If you park elsewhere without paying you will
              association (RVCA) earns funds provided by                       be ticketed.
              the Sustainability Incentive Grant. Each event                 Future events will include organizing the Adopt a
              earns points which translates to funds for our              Drain and Street program, recycling education,
              neighborhood to use for our own projects! Our goal is  neighborhood clean-ups, tree giveaways, butterfly garden
              to participate in an event each month to benefit our  and food forest maintenance at Snyder Park, and other city
              neighborhood, our city, our state, our country, and our world!
                                                                    sponsored events. Adults of any age, teens (great local
                                                                    service hour opportunity!), and accompanied children are
              International Coastal Clean-Up
                                                                    welcome to participate! Please contact me if you are
              Our first event to earn points AND improve our        interested in being part of our Rio Vista GYR team or if you
              environment will be an ocean clean-up day on          have an awesome idea for a future environmental project!
              Saturday, October 9, 2021 from 8-11am                 Celeste Koster
              (come for as long as you’d like!). Rio Vista
                                                                    Rio Vista GYR Representative
              residents will join with the Fort Lauderdale Beach Sweep at
              the corner of Las Olas and A1A on the beach to pick up
              trash and debris along our own Fort Lauderdale coastline.
              We will record our progress on the Clean Swell App    Recycling Tip of the Day: No plastic bags of any kind
              provided by the Ocean Conservancy                     should be put in the blue recycling bins - this includes
              which allows us to see how much trash                 using bags to hold other recyclables. Plastic bags can be
              we collect and keeps a record of our                  recycled by depositing them in the large
              Rio Vista GYR team over time. The                     collection bins at the entrance to many
              recorded information is kept in a                     grocery stores. You can also recycle those
              database and helps to identify trash trends around the globe.  plastic mailing packages from amazon at

              Contact me (below) so I know to look for you, or just show up  these same deposit locations! RV

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