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Commissioner’s continued

             - Get to know your neighbors and Neighborhood Leaders.  •  Generators: Have them serviced, extra gas cans, extra oil,
             -  Identify any frail or elderly residents that may need you to  extension cords, smoke/CO detectors
              check in on them.                                          ***NEVER OPPERATE A GENERATOR INDOORS***
             - Have a Family Plan of your own.
              •  Do you plan on staying? Or if you will evacuate, decide  ***NEVER PLUG A GENERATOR DIRECTLY INTO YOUR
               now where you will go, and who will be going with you               HOUSE OR AN OUTLET***
               (family, friends, pets).                             Take the time now to prepare to your home as well.
              •  Set up a means to communicate so family can contact you  •  Remove any loose items in your yard that can be picked up
               post-storm to ensure your safety (this can be simply having  by the wind and turned into missiles.
               an out-of-area relative serve as a point of contact).  •  Use bulk trash for bigger items.
              •  Make sure your car is tuned up and fueled up.      •  Familiarize yourself with your home’s shutters and awnings.
              •  Have spare clothes and emergency supplies (see below)  •  Trees should be trimmed to allow air to pass through them
               packed and ready to go.                                (to avoid having them pulled down during a storm).
             - Prepare your hurricane supplies. Essentials include:  As always, for any life-threatening emergency, first call 911.
              •  Water: At least 3-7 gallons per person drinking water  To reach the city for any urgent non-life-threatening matters call
              •  Food: Non-perishable such as peanut butter, tuna fish,  954-828-8000. After a storm our office will serve as a point
               canned meats, canned fruits/vegetables, pet food     of contact for District 4 neighborhoods. We will send out vital
              •  Baby Items: Baby food, formula, bottles, diapers, games  information to each of the Neighborhood Associations and
              •  Lights: Flashlights, camping lights, batteries     work directly with the city in disaster response. In a storm,
              •  Cleaning Supplies:Soap, detergent, paper towels, trash  remember…you are not alone.
               bags, gloves, bleach
              •  Personal Items: Clothes, toiletries, shampoo, towels  Wishing everyone a safe and happy summer.
              •  Medications: Ensure 1 month of prescription as well as
               OTC meds, also first aide, bandages                  Dr. Warren Sturman
              •  Communications: Cell portable power banks, extra   Fort Lauderdale District 4 Commissioner
               charging cables (car jump starters also work well)

        14                                       rio vista civic associartion •

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