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Protect Rio Vista | Rio Vista Civic Association




             As we continue to attempt to improve communications in the community

             regarding crime and the great work of the Protect Rio Vista Patrol, we will
             summarize the past two months of security logs in each issue of RIO VISTA.
             In the past, only the most recent log was included and often only a fraction
             of it due to space constraints. As always, the full logs can be accessed on
             our website at          ind
             this useful.

             Monday, June 12th
             BOLO: 2012-2022, Black Dodge Charger 4-door with blacked out windows. Was seen on 6/12 and 6/13 between 10-11am on
             Ponce driving slowly. B/M teen passenger gets out and checks door handles of vehicles parked on swale. FL tag starts with a “D.”

             Tuesday, June 13th                                     and an officer allegedly never showed up. Citizen advised
             1800  Met with resident on Ponce De Leon in reference   two teenagers were speeding down her block and when she
             to burglary attempt. Report taken under Case # 34-2306-  confronted them they were disrespectful. I advised her that
             120396.                                                if the PD had an emergency call at the time that would have
                                                                    taken priority. I also suggested waiting for PD to show up and
             Monday, June 26                                        not confront the teenagers herself.
             0800  While on patrol received call ref stolen vehicle on   0208  Call from resident. Saw two males trespassing on their
             SE 5th CT Blue Ranger Rover. Overnight delay. Keys left in   dock on Ring camera. Property checked and no one was
             vehicle. Case # 34-2306-129349.
                                                                    located. Nothing appeared to be disturbed. Resident sent the
             Thursday, June 29                                      Ring video to the phone. Area check was negative for the

             1130  Completed all checks. Resident on SE 10 Street Isle   males. Case # 34-2306-132757
             called to report several persons boarded two of his vessels   Monday, July 3
             around 0300 hrs. Video available but faces were covered.   1330  “Suspicious vehicle” belonged to nearby resident son
             Marine unit responded for report. Case # 23-131874
                                                                    who was on fishing trip. Reportee was advised.
             Friday, June 30                                        1345-1530  10th Street Burglary report completed.
             1415  Flagged down by a citizen on SE 10 Street & Cordova.   Case # 23-134565
             Citizen was upset because she had called PD two nights ago

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