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Commissioner’s continued

             On October 23, 2023, city staff and I hosted an infrastructure   projects. In addition, I have requested that any comprehensive
             town hall meeting where we presented the progress the city   agreement that is presented to the City Commission is done
             is making in District IV. I am very excited about the great   so by two public hearings to allow for sufficient public
             strides we have made as a city with our infrastructure. During   participation. The City Commission will review the draft
             this meeting, staff announced they have launched Fortify   ordinance and recommendations from the Council of Fort
             Lauderdale. Over the next decade, Fortify Lauderdale will   Lauderdale Civic Associations, and provide feedback to the
             invest up to a half-billion dollars in stormwater infrastructure   City Manager and the City Attorney for incorporation into the
             construction in multiple neighborhoods. Fortify Lauderdale will   draft ordinance. In addition, I am requesting your feedback to
             be in addition to the extensive work already underway in   be considered and included in the P3 ordinance. Your opinion
             which we are investing $200 million in eight  neighborhoods   and participation matters!
             to address tidal flooding and stormwater runoff.
                                                                    And finally, I’d like to recognize the City Commission’s adoption
             Listening to the concerns of District IV regarding the process   of a Resolution in Support of the State of Israel condemning the
             for allowing Public Private Partnerships (P3), I initiated the   brutal attack on the State of Israel by Hamas. I am devastated
             discussion with the City Attorney to develop a draft ordinance   by the ongoing attacks occurring against Israel. My heart is
             addressing P3’s within Fort Lauderdale. Public-private   broken for the lives lost and families shattered by this conflict.
             partnerships are agreements between public and private   To my Jewish friends, know that you are not alone in this. I am
             entities to allow for greater private sector participation in the   praying for you, and I stand with you.
             delivery and financing of public building and infrastructure

        18                                       rio vista civic associartion •

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