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Can you afford to pay

                  $50M                                   for Liability?

                                               By Charles M. Tatelbaum, RVCA Legal Counsel

                                                                                                Do you know
                                                                                               why I pulled you
                                                                                                 over today?

                    ur Rio Vista Civic Association publications and   Florida has adopted what is known as the dangerous
                    communications have continuously reminded our   instrumentality doctrine which imposes vicarious liability upon
             Oneighbors as to the illegality of having a minor or   the owner of a motor vehicle who voluntarily entrusts it to
             unlicensed child drive a golf cart on the streets of our community.  an individual whose negligent operation caused damage to
                                                                    another. The Florida Supreme Court has ruled that a golf cart
             To highlight the consequences of allowing such an activity, I
             call your attention to a judgment that was recently entered in   can be considered a motor vehicle.
             the Circuit Court for Miami-Dade County against a family in   Additionally, it is almost impossible to have insurance
             the amount of $50 million as a result of injuries sustained by a   coverage for such an accident and damages since virtually all
             passenger in a golf cart when an unlicensed driver ran a stop   insurance policies exclude coverage when a motor vehicle is
             sign and collided with another vehicle. This occurred at a family   being operated by an unlicensed driver.
             event when an unlicensed minor was given permission by his   For the safety of everyone within our community, the Rio
             parents to take his cousins on a ride in the family’s golf cart   Vista Civic Association Board urges all of our residents and
             around the community. The impact from the accident created   neighbors to curtail and eliminate the driving of golf carts by
             permanent and severe brain and body damage to the cousin that   minors within our community.
             was ejected from the golf cart, and this led to the $50 million
             judgment imposed upon the parents of the driver of the golf cart.  Thank you for your cooperation!

        20                                       rio vista civic associartion •

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