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Commissioner’s Message continued

        School Safety and Security (Passed)                   maintenance agreements of the SFWMD and may also be
        After days of emotional debate, the Senate voted 22-17 and  funded by an appropriation of the Legislature.
        House voted 65-47 to pass its School Safety package. The bill
                                                              Human Trafficking
        controversially expands the Guardian program to include  The Legislature unanimously passed the human trafficking
        willing teachers in districts that have opted to use the program.
                                                              bill as its final bill of the 2019 Legislative Session. The bill
        The bill contains a wide range of recommendations from the  would establish a Direct Support Organization to foster
        Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School Commission,
                                                              private and community partnerships to provide resources to
        including collection and sharing of data, strengthening school  human trafficking victims. It requires the Florida Department
        security plans and oversight, and more. The MSD Commission
                                                              of Law Enforcement to develop and implement a training
        had recommended the expansion of the guardian program in  program for law enforcement
        order to make up for the shortfall of SRO officers in schools.
        Supporters argue that very few teachers and very few school  Safe Medical Use of Marijuana
        districts will volunteer for the Guardian program. Instead, it  Early in Session, the legislature rushed to adhere to the
        would increase flexibility for the security dollars to be used.   Governor’s March 15th deadline to permit the use of
                                                              smokable marijuana. Physicians would be required to show
        Recycling + Plastic Straw Ban Moratorium (Passed, VETOED)  why smokable marijuana is the best avenue for the patient
        The Governor vetoed this bill due to the moratorium on
                                                              to ingest the medicine. The bill was quickly signed into law
        plastic straws. In his veto letter, he stated that the plastic  by Governor DeSantis.
        straw bans do not frustrate any state policy and that, if
        citizens do not like these bans, they can work to elect local  Sincerely,
        officials that share their values.
                                                              Heather Moraitis
        Anchoring & Mooring (Passed)                          District I Commissioner
        The Legislature unanimously passed legislation that would:
        direct the Florida Fish & Wildlife Commission to study
        impacts of longterm storage of vessels anchored and
        moored outside of mooring fields; create “no-discharge
        zones” for sewage dumping near certain waterbodies near
        rural areas; require boater safety identification cards for
        boats 10 horsepower and above; and designate a portion
        of registration fees collected by counties for the Marine
        Resources Conservation Trust Fund.
        Firefighter Cancer Benefits
        The House and Senate both voted unanimously to pass the
        bill. Upon initial diagnosis of cancer, firefighters would be
        provided cancer treatment at no cost and a one-time cash
        payout of $25,000.
        C-51 Reservoir
        The Legislature unanimously passed C-51 reservoir project
        legislation which advances an alternative water source for
        local governments in Palm Beach and Broward. The bill
        instructs the South Florida Water Management District
        (SFWMD) to acquire any portion of the reservoir not
        committed to utilities and any available land needed for
        the project. The final product provides that the project must
        be used to maximize reduction of harmful discharges to the
        Lake Worth Lagoon, permitted water supply, and natural
        systems. The project must be operated under the rules and

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