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President's Message

                            Lake Estates Improvement Association, Inc.

                                        Happy Father's Day!
                                            ongratulations to all the Dads in our community. Take a moment to enjoy your
                                        C favorite movie in your Lazy Boy!

                                        At the beginning of Summer, we all have an opportunity to have a fresh start to
                                        begin again. Building a community family feeling begins person to person. Many of
                                        you have met our neighbors at the Annual "Light Up The Lakes" Dinner Party and
                                        Meeting. Others have met our neighbors while walking their pets daily. Many of our
                                        young parents have their children's play dates on our streets and we are so happy
                                        and amazed to see the growth and development of their children.

                                        Another group that needs extra attention are the elderly. In our Lake Estates
                                        community family, we have many active seniors. Take a moment to say hello, offer a
                                        sincere compliment, or assistance. A small compliment goes a long way to make
                                        their day. In the past, I hosted an annual dinner/dance annually for my Mother’s
                                        birthday. Friends from her retirement community and Mom danced to Elvis, the
                                        "Stroll," Rock and Roll, YMCA, and the polka. We modified the musical chair game
            Linda W. Bird, President    to a pass a balloon "while seated" in an effort to preserve hips from bodily harm.
                  Lakes Estates         We all relished the candle blowing and smiled at the "many more" addition to the
           Improvement Association, Inc.  customary Happy Birthday song. Every year, we all sang God Bless America along
                                        with Kate Smith and I would tell them about my father’s service in the US Navy.
                                        When I invited the veterans in the room to come up to be recognized, there were
             "My father                 only three men left who had served in World War II. The “greatest generation” is
           gave me the                  quickly slipping away. They made the most of educational opportunities available
                                        by the GI Bill and worked hard to provide for their families.
            greatest gift               We are next to step up and carry the torch. If you have elderly parents, I hope you

           anyone could                 make sure that their physical and emotional needs are being met. Too often, I heard
                                        from Mom’s friends that their children were “too busy” to visit, to call, or to spend
           give another                 quality time with them. Please take a moment today to call or visit your parents and

             person, he                 also teach your children to become involved. Too often, the weight of care-giving is
                                        not shared evenly in families. If you are not the primary caregiver, then call the
        believed in me."                caregiver and provide respite care while they take a break.

             - Jim Valvano                                  Family begins at our home community!
                                                               2019 Annual Dues are due $25

                                        Name _________________________  Address__________________________________
                                        Email___________________________________________ Phone____________________
                                        Please make check payable to Lake Estates Improvement Association Inc. and mail
                                        them to: Linda Bird, President  2790 NE 57th Court, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33308.
                                        All the best,

                                        Linda Bird, President
                                        Improvement Association of Lake Estates, Inc.
                                        Board of Directors
                                        954 491 8767

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