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                                                   Crime & Safety

                        FLPD’s Neighborhood

                                     Crime Statistics

                                                       By James J. Becker

              Statistics:                                           To schedule an appointment call Detective Carmelo Colon
                                                                    in The Crime Prevention Unit at 954-828-4964 or send an
              During the period January thru April of this year The
                                                                    email to him at The
              Landings Residential Association, Inc., has experienced the
              following offenses. Robbery 0, Burglary Residence 2,  evaluation/survey is free for the asking. The
                                                                    evaluation/survey can give you greater insight on how to
              Burglary Conveyance (vehicle) 6, Burglary Business 0, and
              Vehicle Theft 0, according to statistics provided by the Fort  protect your family and residence along with practical
                                                                    solutions to strengthen your home’s security.
              Lauderdale Police Department. This indicates a slight
              decrease over the previous year. Let’s work together to  Safety Tips: Home Identification &
              keep this downward momentum going (SEE BELOW).
                                                                    Vehicle Conveyance Theft
              Crime Prevention: (Complimentary                      Some of the homes in The Landings do not have easily
              evaluation/survey)                                    identified home numbers or lack address numbers all
                                                                    together. It is extremely vital that Police, Fire and
              The Fort Lauderdale Police Department has instituted a
                                                                    Ambulance personnel responding to emergencies can
              program that all residents should take immediate

                                                                    easily locate your residence. It is highly recommended that
              advantage of. The Crime Prevention Unit will conduct a
              complimentary evaluation/survey of your residence. A  all residents survey their homes from the street to ensure
                                                                    that your home address is highly visible. One rule of thumb
              Detective will conduct an inside and outside survey of your
              home to include evaluating your perimeter lighting, sliding  is that numbers should be 3” to 4” high and should
                                                                    contrast from the homes background.
              doors to see if they can be lifted off their tracks, locks,
              sheds, windows, landscaping that blocks windows, garage  In order to reduce thefts from vehicles do the following. First,
              doors, alarm systems, pool areas, French doors, hinges,  lock your vehicle even if it is parked in your own driveway
              and check to see if your address be seen from the street,  and secondly do not leave any valuables (coins, laptops,
              etc. This survey is free and open to all residents.   expensive sunglasses, etc.) visible from outside the vehicle.

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