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LRA Neighborhood Update

             Waterway                                              MAINTENANCE

                                                                                                          By Tom Brinkley

                    iven the ever-deteriorating conditions of our   •  Send an email to our Commissioner (jherbst@fortlauderdale.
                    waterways, multiple approaches to minimizing     gov) and copy the other City Commissioners requesting
             G“pollution impacts” are extremely important. We        that the City require/mandate the median and parks
             as residents of The Landings can make a difference in   maintenance contractors/forces to collect all cuttings and
             many “simple/small ways”. A little time, a little effort, a   debris (and not blow it into the roadway, adjacent yards or
             little oversight, a few dollars and a “willingness to make   back into the medians). They need to understand that when
             a difference” (by all of us) can make a huge impact. Here   leaves cuttings and trash are not collected and removed,
             are some simple ideas that will have compounding positive   it all finds its way into the stormwater system with the first
             impacts on the water quality within our waterways:      wind/rain. The City’s inaction has as large of an impact on
                                                                     our waterways as our lawn maintenance service providers’
             •  Insisting/instructing our yard/lawn maintenance service
               providers that “no debris” (cuttings, leaves and other  failure to properly collect the yard debris.
               yard waste) shall be blown into the waterways serving  •  Send an email to our Commissioner (jherbst@fortlauderdale.
               our properties.                                       gov) and copy the other City Commissioners requesting that
                                                                     the City take the required actions needed to secure permits
             •  Monitoring the performance of the yard/lawn maintenance
               service providers to ensure that they are taking all necessary  and fund the dredging of the Longboat Inlet Bridge, the
               precautions to properly collect the weekly-generated lawn  South Bayview Drive Bridge, and the NE 55th Street Bridge,
               debris (and preventing it from entering our canals).  so as to insure proper water flow and flushing of the canal
                                                                     system in The Landings.
             •  When floating debris is within reach of our seawall, a pool
               skimmer is the perfect tool to retrieve trash for placement  •  Support the proposed “Seabins” project with your time
               in our green refuse bins. While what we retrieve may not  and/or money. Kevin O’Neill has generously committed his
               be debris we contributed, it is debris which we can help  time, money and efforts in getting the first of the “Seabins”
               remove from our canals and improve the water quality and  deployed and activated here in The Landings. We all need
               visual experience for ourselves and our neighbors.    to join-in and support this effort in order to get at least two
                                                                     additional “Seabins” deployed. See the June issue of The
             •  Adopt a “storm inlet grate” near your home and take the  Landings & Bay Colony Magazine for more information. The
               required ten (10) minutes twice a week to pick-up the street  Landings has the opportunity to provide a leadership role
               debris that collects on the grates, and then dispose of the  in parenting this effort within the City, which hopefully other
               leaves, blooms and other materials before they have the  communities (and the City) will follow.
               opportunity to flow into the canals (via the stormwater
               pipes). Surely this small amount of additional waste will not  •  Consider adding “green-seawall technology” or other
               overload our “green refuse cans” serviced by the City.  more simplistic oyster/mussel support habitat to your dock
                                                                     and/or seawalls. The mussel’s capacity to filter/clean the
             •  Contact the City’s LauderServ 24-hour call center    canal water is extremely important to the overall health of
               (954-828-8000) anytime there is a significant “tidal flow of  the marine environment. Refer to past and future Landings
               trash” accumulating within our canal system. Typically, these  Magazine articles addressing this topic.
               accumulations occur at the peak of an incoming tide. While
               the City’s canal trash-barge contractor may not be available  The canals within The Landings are an important element
               to respond every time, the more often an area is reported,  in the quality-of-life we all enjoy. As neighbors, we can pull
               the greater the service frequency demand will help justify  together and make a difference. JUST TAKE THE FIRST STEP.
               which requests the City can include in its’ planning and  The Landings and your canals are worth the effort.
               budgeting process. It may take some time to achieve the
               required level of frequency desired, but it can be achieved
               by our making one-call at-a-time.

        10                                             The Landings & Bay Colony

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